Tue 30 Nov, 2004 01:30 pm
Good riddance to bad rubbish, imho.
Cyclo-Ridge was one of the best recent Governors that we in PA haave had. he iis a vanishing species of Progressive republicans who were , for years, a unique product of pA politics. Today, the right wing of the GOP has grabbed that parttys insignia and changed it to meet the righht wing agenda. I think that Ridge, whenever he was hoe in Pa, let slip that he was dissed in DC aand his speeches have been stressing his family proritiies for awhile. He really wantts out, He, like Powell, recognizes tthat you cannot, by commission, knowingly criticize the admin for whom you work. Its a rule of order. hes been aa good soldier and hes just sick of itt. HE, among all the fleeing cabineteros, will probably write a book someday after tthe whole terrorism thing getts a better handle under a more compettent leaadersip (Im talking about a NON-BUSH administraation , where competence , rather than doglike loyalty is rewarded)
I like Ridge and, as a democratt who voted for Kerry, I could see worse candidates for President than he
I'm not sure that Ridge going is a good thing. Mostly, I think that it could be a lot worse. I wonder who will replace him.
When he accepted the post, Ridge was clear that he preferred a limited tenure. If there is any surprise here, it is that his announcement of resignation has been so long delayed. I anticipate any comfort taken by Democrats and assorted Bushophobes re his departure will be short lived; Ridge's replacement will not be of less conservative bent, or less administrationally loyal, than he.
Its fairly certain the replacement will meet with no more approval from The Minority Party and its adherents than have or will any other of Bush The Greater's appointees.
FreeDuck wrote:I'm not sure that Ridge going is a good thing. Mostly, I think that it could be a lot worse. I wonder who will replace him.
Me, too. What about Joe Lieberman? I can think of several reasons that might work least one reason it wouldn't. LOL.
Someone who has actual experience would be Giuliani.
Giuliani makes sense. I don't mind him. I can't think of anyone else but I'm sure that's because I don't know all the people on the inside.
I have very little doubt that Bush/Cheney will find a lap dog to take his place.
Number of Homeland terrorist attacks that happened while Ridge created from nothing the TSA under frantic circumstances: 0
That is a batting average I wouldn't mind.
Marym wrote
Quote:Number of Homeland terrorist attacks that happened while Ridge created from nothing the TSA under frantic circumstances: 0
That is a batting average I wouldn't mind.
Yes. but was there anyone up at bat?
MaryM wrote:Number of Homeland terrorist attacks that happened while Ridge created from nothing the TSA under frantic circumstances: 0
That is a batting average I wouldn't mind.
.000 is the
worst possible batting average.
(Just sayin' you oughtta understand your metaphors a little better before you employ them.)
I give him credit for pioneering the department -- that couldn't have been a simple matter. He never came off to me as terribly rabid -- certainly not an Ashcroft. I hope he does write a book at some point.
Ridge had announced his departure weeks ago, but it was silenced by Powell's.
Now it's only official.
Not all republicans are alike.
With him, it's two friends we've lost.
So far, we've gained none.
I give you an AMen there baezer.
Freeduck-His organizational skills were critical for setting an entire organization on a course. He kept it faairly tturf-free. He was able to accomplish that as gov of PA.
Rudy Giuliani as his replacement? Oh brotther! Im sorry, Rudy is a good foto-op he has no skills as an admin and builder.
Or Gov Gilmore. hmmm. dont know how he was in Va
In VA, Gilmore was most noted for the budget crisis that gripped the state during his tenure. I'm still not sure what happened, but as I understand it, he had number of personal squabbles with the VA legislature (Republican dominated). His chosen successor lost to Democratic Gov. Mark Warner, and part of that was due to Gilmore's apparent political ineptitude (it was also partly due to Warner's enormous campaign expenditures). He seems a decent guy, but no one has ever called Gilmore a political dynamo.
Quote:Yes. but was there anyone up at bat?
Many assumed so on Sept 12 au, what did you think then and now?
PDiddie, you and I know it is more analogous to ERA, but there are foreigners here who get confused.
I think. No. I know that we were and are still vulnerable to terrorist attack. If the terrorists wanted to and had the capability to do so they would and still could stage a 9/11 type attack. Our homeland security has as many holes in it as Swiss cheese. Did Ridge do all that he could have? I suppose so. However, to say that it was effective in thwarting terrorist attacks that is a stretch. Again I ask was anyone up at bat. {terrorists that is}
If you look at the cycle of AQ violence, there is typically a delay between attacks as new ones are planned.
Anyone who thinks that we are safe from terrorists here in America is f*cking kidding themselves. Our borders are so insecure, it's really only a matter of time until someone smuggles something nasty across.
I don't have a problem with Ridge as a person, per se; just the fact that basically nothing was accomplished on the Homeland Security front (god, I hate that phrase) during his tenure.
"Rudy Giuliani as his replacement? Oh brotther! Im sorry, Rudy is a good foto-op he has no skills as an admin and builder. "
Apparently you have not been to NYC recently.
Rudy or Bernard Kerick (sp) would be good choices. I do not want a "politicial" running a law enforcement dept.