Mon 29 Nov, 2004 04:43 am
Translation of Cicero Quote
I am looking to try and get a translation from English to Latin of a quote from Cicero
"So you see, old age is really not so bad. May you come to know the condition!"
Thank you
According to the website free_online_translators.php?from=English&to=Latin:
Sic vos animadverto , senium est vere secus nocens. May vos adeo teneo valetudo
I need a Latin translation of " I am damn near perfect".
EGO sum damno near perficio
That sounds a lot like the last line of Cicero's "De Senectute" ("On Old
The Latin is:
Haec habui, de senectute quae dicerem, ad quam utinam perveniatis,
ut ea, quae ex me audistis, re experti probare possitis.
This is what I had to say on old age. Would that you arrive at it, so that
you may be able to test by experience what you have heard from me.
As you can see, the English quote you have is not a very close translation
of Cicero.