Mon 10 Feb, 2003 11:37 am
Ah yes, the holiday of love when Hallmark, Godiva and the jewlery stores tell us that it's not really love unless we prove it with useless tokens of affection.....
Are you single and can't stand the thought of cutesy couples holding hands?
Are you with someone but can't stand the thought of being forced by corporate America into paying $60 for a dozen roses that you can get for $12 any other day of the year?
Are you disturbed by the fact that all the thoughtful things you do throughout the year are negated with a missed gift in the middle of February?
Are you anyone whose just sick of the sappy crappy love songs on the radio all week? Heaven knows I certainly am!!!
Here's a place to tell Valentine's Day and all the people who think it's truly an essential holiday right where to stick it!
<This is a copy and paste from the same thread last year. Why mess with a good thing?>
I voted "No, it's a phony Hallmark holiday." I'll do valentines with my daughter for the heck of it, prolly (doilies and construction paper and shiny red heart stickers are fun), but we almost never do any specific Valentine's Day celebration. E.G. will bring me flowers at various times, but I think it's nicer as a surprise than "uh, it's Valentine's day, here."
I want flowers and i don't care why i'm getting them. Valentine's Day works as a reason to get them. But i'll happily accept them the day before or after, the week before or after, the month before or after. Just send them. I don't care why.
If you're affection isnt proven the rest of the year...why the heck pay for it on some day the retailers decide you should be proving it?
Might not be in the mood, might not feel like, might be single and hating it...
its hooey I tell ya.
The whole fortune for roses is also a big scam..I are certainly nice at any time of the year, but, they certainly dont have to be roses, and they certainly would be more thoughtful if they werent, and also if someone wasnt forced and/or pressured to get them.
I say that although its nice, its a great thought, just having to be reminded of having to tell someone how much you care is silly.
I must say, there are those who should be reminded, I know my father had to be all the time, and I know my mother held it against him if he screwed, people are strange.
I always thought it was sooo funny, while I was working in restaurants, that it was always the night of fights and arguments and crying in formal dining rooms.
I can't tell you how many turned down proposals I've witnessed, but will tell you that we (the waitstaff) had a pool running, and the one with the most won $200.00. (It's sick,..but ya gotta have some fun!)
ehBeth wrote:I want flowers and i don't care why i'm getting them. Valentine's Day works as a reason to get them. But i'll happily accept them the day before or after, the week before or after, the month before or after. Just send them. I don't care why.
<big sigh of relief>Wheeewwwwww . . . </big sigh of relief>
Well, I voted for the phony Hallmark holiday - but I do confess we used to have fun with it when a friend and I got together to send satirical poetic valentines to our male friends - they were a riot to compose, and treasured artifacts - took them years to guess who it was!
Valentine's Day just gives me another excuse to do, say or buy something special for the ones I love.
Do I expect something from those special people I love? Well, maybe an extra kiss, a hug, or hearing the words I Love You.
I think what's important is to be on the same wave length with the ones you care about with regards to celebrating Valentine's Day.
I use Valentines Day to reinforce the bonds of affection between myself and my wife. We don't spend a lot of money. All year long we love one another most affectionately. This holiday is one more opportunity to express our feelings.
In Germany, Valentine's day just became big in the last couple of years. So I think there is not the pressure as in the US yet. Anyway, I love my husband all year. I might give him something special like chocolate that he likes and usually doesn't buy or something like that. Or I might not. He gave me a pair of pearl earrings today just because he saw them in the little antique store at the corner and liked them. See what I mean?
source unknown....
> Love may be beautiful, love may be bliss,
> But I only slept with you because I was pissed.
> Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet, and
> so are you.
> But the roses are wilting, the violets are dead, the
> sugar bowl's empty
> and so's your head.
> I thought that I could love no other,
> Until, that is, I met your brother.
> Kind, intelligent, loving and hot,
> This describes everything you're not.
> I want to feel your sweet embrace,
> But don't take that paper bag off of your face.
> I love your smile, your face, your eyes-
> Damn, I'm good at telling lies!
> My darling, my lover, my beautiful wife,
> Marrying you, screwed up my life.
> I see your face when I'm dreaming,
> That's why I always wake up screaming.
> My love, you take my breath away.
> What have you stepped in, to smell this way?
> My feelings for you, no words can tell,
> Except for, maybe, "go to hell".
> What inspired this amorous rhyme?
> Two parts vodka, one part lime.
cjsa, we must have the same friends. I just got that today in my mail, came here to post it......
I thought that the original meaning of exchanging a Valentine
gift or card was strictly between two significant others.......Since when did it become an expression of affection between family members?
In my lifetime, pretty much the only v-day exchanges I've had were when I was a kid, with my family. We'd all cut and paste doilies and red paper and stickers to make vday cards for eachother. That and in elementary school if we were going to hand out one or more to our friends we had to hand them out to everyone. It became a thing we did through out my early schooling.
It seems to be a tradition here in the states at least that school age children do something for Valentines know..retailers get them early

. Really though, Ive seen things from a snack day, bake sale, and the traditional Valentine exchange between youngsters.
I also buy little somethings for the godkids, always have, just so they know they're loved. Now that they're teenagers well, Im hoping a card does does at times, other times a little something certainly perks up their day.
When I was a kid, Valentines Day didn't even exist in Oz. But then the retailers followed the US the same as they previously had with Mothers day and Fathers day and now we're stuck with the lot.
February 14 is approaching,
it fills my heart with dread,
I don't have a partner,
I can't get it out of my head !
For I have learned that in this world,
Appearances really matter,
And if u dont have a partner on Feb 14,
You are as mad as a hatter !
So I am looking for someone,
Who will be my Valentine,
And for just that one day,
I can call him mine !
I will give him chocolates,
And I will give him flowers,
We will lie in each other's arms,
Till the small hours !
And when the sun rises again,
We'll go back to being strangers,
As the realtionship world for me,
Is full of unspoken dangers
So if u are interested,
and will be my valentine,
Call me up on my number,
Or drop me a line !