Thu 25 Nov, 2004 11:05 pm
how easy is it to get a girl wet, i mean does anyone have tips to make it a sure thing, im sure there are some experts out there
Um. I'd say it depends on the girl. And, to drag out a management theory, you are only an environmental factor. Which means: largely a woman's excitement (measured by lubrication) is mostly determined by what's going on in her head. You, as the environmental factor, can either screw everything up or not.
Does that make sense? Environmental factors can't make things happen, they can only create an environment where things become possible.
In management theory you can create an environment where good work can happen, but that doesn't mean good work will happen. It is absurdly likely that you will create an enviroment where it is unlikely good work will happen.
If you're focussing on a physical manifestation of female excitement then I'd say you're virtually destined to fail.
What are you really asking?
id like to know some tips on how to get her really turned on
Generally women aren't like men in conditions for arousal, we're pretty much aroused by anything (at least when we're youngish).
Damn, this is hard. Women are individuals. Each will find different things attractive, repulsive, arousing, disgusting.
I hate to go all SNAG on you but you should be talking to her, or at least listening to her to get some clues about what she likes.
Sorry but there is no universal magic spell. Or maybe I just don't know jack....
ive tried, but shes not one of those girls that talks during intimacy lol, she kinda just goes with the flow and doesnt say anythin
There is an excellent book out there, called "The Joy of Sex".
It might be helpful reading