Thu 25 Nov, 2004 09:18 am
My ban was lifted on November 12, but I was away on a transatlantic cruise from Lisbon to Barbados, and just returned last night after a very hectic Thanksgiving travel day. Was delayed two hours in Miami, and another three hours in Atlanta. Finally made it home before midnight last night. Have many interesting tales to share, but will need a few days to catch up with my backlog of work. ha ha. c.i.
Welcome back, friend of travel!
Didya bring any ice?
I want, no, I demand a penguin.
They live on the other pole, meguess. shoulda asked for a polar bear, mayhap a BIPolarOne...
seal blubber, anyone?
bigdice, Thanks for the welcome back. As for cav's request of a penguin, you'll have to wait until my trip to antarctica in January.
Sheesh, c.i. always going to were the sun shines, huh? bring your swimsuit!
bigdice, the South Pole is home to the largest of penguins, the Emperor.
Imagine being able to mate at 4 and retire at 20...
cicerone imposter wrote:bigdice, Thanks for the welcome back. As for cav's request of a penguin, you'll have to wait until my trip to antarctica in January.

Just defrost and get me one. :wink:
Ooops, my bad, thought he went to the Artic...
<walks away, smashing head with casserole, multiple times>
welcome back C.I., now it's your time to PM me with impressions from your visit to Croatia
...and excuse me for speaking in metaphor. It's become a habit.
As long as you don't speak with your mouth full, you can speak as you like, cav.
Can't tell ya how happy I am to see ya, ci.
Stay away from "you know who!"
The transAtlantic wrote me something about it being a solo. Was that just a wish...or was the trip more than just an oceanliner thing?
Hi Frank, It was on the Insignia of Oceania Cruises. It's a newcomer to the cruiseline industry, and our cruise was still considered an inagural cruise at very special prices which was an offer I couldn't refuse. It's first class from the ship's staff to the food. Had lobster, caviar, and black angus steaks that was just delicious at! Getting spoiled for ten days then returning to the "real" world is really a shocking experience. LOL Will share more later in the travel forum. c.i.
Hey, C.I. Good to see you're back and despoiled. <smile>
cav, If you continue to speak in metaphor, you might as well speak in Greek. LOL Hi Phoenix, Nice to see and hear from you.
Hi. CI. Welcome back again. And again.
Gotta stay away from the politics forum. LOL
Welcome back CI, and happy thanksgiving.