Here you go, Pwayfarer --
"The West of which I speak is but another name for the Wild: and what I have been preparing to say is, that in Wildness is the preservation of the World."
- Henry David Thoreau ("Reform Papers")
Danon -- Of course, I'm in those Barrow photos... gotta find 'em, then figure out how to get a slide image onto the 'puter.
Good Winter morning all Wildclickers!!!!!
Winter is one hour old here in NE Texas. It's 50 degrees out now and expected to be warmer today. There is a cold front coming tomorrow. We have been told it is possible to have snow by Christmas - suuuuuurrrrre!
The Andrews book sounds very interesting. I have always read and been impressed by the Indian culture's acceptance of women as equals in their societies. In my young and growing mind I thought that was normal and the way it should be. Only later did I grow into the grey area of adulthood - then to be stunned and amazed by certain attitudes.
Hi wayfarer,
I have not found a source for your quote. It sure sounds like a good one for some genius to have said.
<<thanks Piffka - - - >>
Morning sumac!!!!
The sun is coming back....the sun is coming back.
sumac, click
then scroll to the bottom of the page to the "Other Resources" section. Click on "Writings by John Muir". At the Writings of John Muir page, click on "Selected Passages" At the Selected Passages of John Muir page, click on "Mt Ritter".
Conversations with John Muir awsome! Thanks ~
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ANITA!!!!!!!!!! <more happies after work today>
Now I can't get back to the conversation article. Can't find it either. Arghhh! When I click on my link it just takes me to the main exhibit page.
I read a fairly brief treatment on Mt. Ritter (a search came up with 107 entries), and to me, the most interesting aspect was the last paragraph or two where he mentions Tuolumne.
Some 40 years ago, my one and only excursion into the High Sierras occurred when two men and I hiked through Tuolumne Meadows and up and over a shale covered peak way above the timber line. Down into a most attractive swale, or saddle of a valley, amongst snow (in August). There was a lake from melted snow nestled within the surrounding peaks of this mountain (much like in a shallow crater), and we slept out there. The shale was uncomfortable underneath the sleeping bags, though. Great experience.
The Adobe House at the Muir Historical Site was built by Muir for his daughter - the house located about a 10 minute stroll from the Muir family Victorian. A portion of the orange grove Muir planted sits directly in front of the Adobe house. When in season, park visitors treated to oranges freshly picked from the trees.
Danon, the camps were evenly divided - there were woman chiefs and woman were high warriors as well. The only pre-requisite for being a chief or warrior was a courageous heart. Medicine woman also talks about how American Indians lived before horses were utilized by the tribes - people covering vast distances by foot - sometimes thousands of miles. Not only did they have courageous hearts, but feet as well.
Here's a photo of Eagle Lake in CA. The lake a crater with 28,000 acres of surface water. Recall many great family camping trips to the Lake.
Anita ~
Clicking through and wishing AnitaB a happy birthday.
I'll probably be away from A2K for a few days, so ----- have a great winter solstice and a wonderful Christmas with those you love.
1 Aktbird57 .. 957 38.212 acres
2 936 35.993 acre
Have a wonderful holiday ehBeth, and I hope you are headed south. Watch out for that storm.
We're heading east in about 14 hours - hoping to arrive at the east end of Lake Ontario before the storm catches up with us.
It looks like it's gonna be a bugger.
Take care, Miss Susan - stay warm and dry and cosy.
Have been too busy to post on the thread, but,
Sorry I missed telling you on your big day...
Have a safe trip, ehBeth...Merry Christmas!
Ohhh- my task bar is all messed up and I can't get back to anything. Anyway - have a lovely trip going EAST? ebeth.
Happy past birthday, Anita B and happy almost birthdays, Merry Andrews and husker husker.
I love that it is "wildness" and not "wilderness".
I'll be gone for a week to see all the grandkids, but I'll be clicking.
Happy Holidays!
Clicked. ehBeth, I don't think they yet know how far north it will track. Have a happy, and please pass along my high regard.
Happy Birthday, Anita. Hope your day was wonderful.
Have a good trip, Beth. Sounds hairy, stay warm.
Pwayfarer, I found your quote, it's on the previous page... Thoreau.
Merry Christmas everybody!