Morning wayfarer!!
Web of Life..... I like that description. So true sounding. We are all riding this space ship Earth together aren't we.
Me too.
I used to teach a small program about the web of life as it applied to a workplace with a number of 'challenged' employees. I'm proud of the changes that resulted.
G'day all clickers!
Thanks for the info, danon.
Have a great day all you terrific Wildclickers!
clicked n' clicked
Interesting conversations going on here. In case any of you are interested, here's the latest news re Luna:
Luna Watchers Hoping Orca Reunites With Family On His Own
December 15, 2004
Quote:VICTORIA, BRITISH COLUMBIA - There's a very slim chance that Luna the killer whale, who's been stuck alone in Vancouver Island's Nootka Sound since 2001, could reunite with his family on his own.
Members of L-pod, Luna's relatives who spend the summer in waters off Washington state's San Juan Islands, were spotted early this month near Bamfield on the west coast of Vancouver Island.
Luna watchers hope that means they'll swim pass the entrance to Nootka Sound, about 70 miles to the north and also on the island's west coast. Luna has lived on his own in the sound, a miles-long, twisty body of water, for almost 3½ years.
Even the most avid supporters of a natural reunion agree it would take a whole lot of luck for Luna and L-pod to find each other.
Quote:Joyce oversaw a summer attempt to capture Luna and try to reunite him with his family. The plan was to get him into a net pen and then truck him to Victoria for release in the Strait of Juan de Fuca when L-pod passed by.
The effort was scrapped when local Indians lured Luna away from the net pen. The Mowachaht/Muchalaht First Nation believes Luna embodies the spirit of their dead chief, Ambrose Maquinna, and do not want him removed.
Quote:Lonely and apparently seeking contact, the 5-year-old whale has periodically damaged and disabled several boats.
Here's the latest on Luna from Reunite Luna:
Luna News - Media Coverage
Recent updates from Nootka Sound
December 13, 2004
Matrix, thanks for posting Luna's new info. DFO's decided leaving Luna in the Sound for the winter. Not understanding why, did a bit of research and found a webpage from the "Reunite Luna" series. Everlyone's blaming everyone else it seems, and nothing is being done to reunite Luna with his Pod.
aktbird57 -
You and your 282 friends have supported 1,664,478.1 square feet!
Marine Wetlands habitat supported: 53,886.3 square feet.
You have supported: (33,807.4)
Your 282 friends have supported: (20,079.0)
American Prairie habitat supported: 32,089.2 square feet.
You have supported: (9,152.9)
Your 282 friends have supported: (22,936.3)
Rainforest habitat supported: 1,578,502.6 square feet.
You have supported: (158,194.6)
Your 282 friends have supported: (1,420,308.0)[/color][/size]
oops, the information is from last years proposed summer move.
Poor Luna will problably remain in the Sound unless by some miracle he finds a way to reunite with the Pod on his own.
Very sad.
danon5 wrote:I stayed at the only hotel in town - in the dining room there were parts of the airplane that Wiley Post and Will Rogers died in.
In approaching the animal I sat and waited for a few minutes saying a prayer of thanks for the food he was providing. ...I had gotten an elk with a clean heart shot using a rifle that had no sights. But, there it was.
True story.
I believe you, Danon. Amazing story though. Those elk -- BIG!
I worked at that hotel in Barrow. <grin>
Morning all. Clicking x 5. Piffka - what a lovely quote.
Thanks, pwayfarer, it's from Dylan Thomas.
I couldn't double-click again. What am I doing wrong?
You and your 282 friends have supported 1,665,625.4 square feet!
Marine Wetlands habitat supported: 54,026.8 square feet.
You have supported: (33,807.4)
Your 282 friends have supported: (20,219.5)
American Prairie habitat supported: 32,089.2 square feet.
You have supported: (9,152.9)
Your 282 friends have supported: (22,936.3)
Rainforest habitat supported: 1,579,509.3 square feet.
You have supported: (158,241.4)
Your 282 friends have supported: (1,421,267.9)
1 Aktbird57 .. 957 38.212 acres
2 936 35.993 acres
Morning all,
Wow!! That's really unusual to know someone else who has been to that hotel. It's not exactly in the mainstream of vacation spots!!!!!! I hope they didn't have you in charge of the honey buckets...grin.
I know it's tomorrow - but ........
The birthday song all around.......................
You're talking about the Top of the World Hotel, right Danon? Somewhere I even have photos... slides, I think.

Summer 1977, I was the evening desk clerk. I once saw how they had to clean toilets, but I didn't do it myself. <shudder> My worst incident was when five girls started fighting on the front steps and somebody got knifed.
Thanks for the song, very nice.
Somewhere in the world it is already the 17th,
so Happy Birthday to the most glamorous condom-wearer ever![/color][/size]
Many Happy Returns Piffka ~
Wow! Today's your birthday, Piffka? Same as Ludwig van B. And by a further coincidence, today was also the birthday of a colleague at work. This is birthday central here. Many, many happy returns.
ehBeth wrote:Somewhere in the world it is already the 17th,
so Happy Birthday to the most glamorous condom-wearer ever![/color][/size]
Ahhh, you're so sweet, Beth. Me & my condom

... safe sex, even at Christmas time.
Thanks, Stradee.
Thanks, Merry Andrew... Beethoven? Maybe I'd better go practice the piano.
It must have been the Top of the World Hotel. I Googled lodging in Barrow and it appears there are only two there now - then there was only one - no hotel close to the airport. I was there prior to you, in 1970, and stayed in the old building that evidently was replaced by a new hotel building in 1974 - so I can see that you must have not known the old one. It was really a no frills place - but kept the cold at bay and that is what counted.....
All clicked.........................................