Quote:Leadfoot Quote: "It's too late Glennn, you've already said you don't believe the book is valid,"
I don't recall saying that I think the book is valid. So I have no idea what you mean by saying that "it's too late." However, I do recall the contradiction you admit to embracing. You expressed your opinion that it is logical that a sentient creator would create beings who think in ways similar to itself even though the book you claim is valid clearly states that ". . . as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts."
So, either the statement from the book is invalid, or your idea about the creator being thinking in similar ways to yourself is invalid.
I meant it is too late for you to convince me that your argument is valid.
You have already said you think the book is contradictory. I didn't say you thought it was valid, I said the opposite.
I gave you one example of why in my view your chosen verse does not contradict our being "made in the image of God" but here's another.
I understand the basic concepts of physics in the same way as Richard Fineman or any other physicist but I don't have anything like the depth of understanding that they do. I could not begin to follow the equations they draw on their white boards, and yet we are both human beings who understand logic and reason in the same way.
So no, I am not claiming that I, like God, have the intimate understanding of physics that was necessary to create the universe and life, but I know enough about it to appreciate the accomplishment. Same thing goes for the things he is even more concerned with. Like love for example.