coluber2001 wrote:
What is religion?
An outdated attempt to give explanations for things we didn't understand.
Take for example all the six hundred plus laws in the Torah. A huge majority of them are related to disease prevention but they didn't know this. What they did was observe people do or not do something which resulted in an illness or even death then assumed it was the wrath of their god which caused the person to get sick or die. So then they recorded it as a law to obey or face the judgement of a god.
People still to this day believe natural disasters are the wrath result of their god as a means to punish people. But if you deeply explore these events you'll see that there is a cycle to them or natural elements which cause them to arise. Like hurricanes. We don't get them on the west coast of the US, but every year there are dozens that start off the west coast of Africa and work their way North West towards the Eastern seaboard. Some develop into massive storms and others fizzle out. But they are a annual cycle.
Same for tornados. They don't develop everywhere. There are only certain locations they can form.
Same for Earth quakes. There are places where none occur.
If god was involved surely there wouldn't be naturally specific locations for ONLY them to occur under. They would appear everywhere with zero natural causes.
Ignorance of knowledge leads to supertitious explanations.