On the disturbing side again, Romper Stomper, with a young Russel Crowe...one movie I do not wish to revisit myself, although a thought-provoking flick.
Yes, I know what you mean about Romper Stomper. Actually the basic idea of the film is very similar to Clockwork Orange.
Although technically revolving around only one teen, I loved Harold and Maude, one of my all-time fave movies
Yes! Agreed ... An absolute delight!
You all have named some of my all time favorites - "Stand by Me", for one.
This one is off the beaten path, but has anyone seen "A Bronx Tale" - directed by Robert Deniro (semi-autobiographical)?
Yes. "A Bronx Tale" is a very good movie. Being drawn to the gangsters vs. his love and admiration for his father, going deaf and dumb at the first sight of Jane, forbidden fruit, the world changing daily, good music, not off the beaten path at all, Snood. Matter of fact, it's a surprise that no one has mentioned it before now.
PS-don't crack, my brother
snood, gonna rent that one, definitely.

Haven't seen it...
Did anyone in this thread mention "Ghost World?" I loved this movie...change the female lead into a male, and that was my teenage life, or more accurately, there is a lot in the movie I can relate to....wonderful performance by Steve Buschemi as well. Funny enough, like the lead in the film, I also discovered Blues and Jazz in high school, and I was a Goth-Punk sorta dude...anyway, if you haven't seen it, rent it.
Absolutely, cav, Ghost World is really good. I missed it in the theatre, but read great things about it and rented it. The characters are really strange and interesting.
'sides, I'm CRAZED for Thora Birch.
Snood, I was flipping channels recently and saw part of Patriot Games. I had completely forgotten that Thora Birch was Harrison Ford's daughter in that and in Clear and Present Danger.
She was wonderful in "American Beauty".