Lucas Sounds interesting. Must try to find a copy.
To Sir With Love always makes me smile ... The reality is so different! (If only you could win their difficult little hearts & minds over in so short a time!

A very common theme isn't it: the outsider who transforms a very difficult & anti-social group! Still, very entertaining!)
Exactly .. I relate to the "lost" characters too. But, come to think of it, who had an easy time of adolescence? There wouldn't have been so much material for films & novels if it was easy, the transition from childhood to adulthood.
You've mentioned a few of my favourites in your post. My Life As A Dog was so moving in parts, yet so funny in others. Loved it!
I relate to The Year My Voice Broke in a big way! A very accurate description of how it feels to be "different" in a small Oz country town. The Noah Taylor character reminds me of so many "late blossomers" who had to leave to grow, survive, just to be able to be accepted as themselves ...