Wed 17 Nov, 2004 07:06 pm
Wow, I didn't know that either.
OB, I really didn't know. I knew the history of Atomic research, etc. in New Mexico, but I was not aware of the stored nukes at Kirkland airbase, which is near the airport in ABQ.
Uh huh, and Sandia Labs is the devil's own workshop.
My dad was thereabouts in the forties, when I was about five and back in west LA. I have my ears tuned for history on all this.
(Some may think of the west side of Los Angeles as so acceleratedly urban star-ish that they are full of resentment. I understand that, but it was just a place. We lived then at my aunt's house, off and on, for varous family reasons, first to support aunt in taking care of parents, and then because we needed to live there.)
My mother lived in Sawtelle, as it was called, in the early twenties, when most of that land was bean fields. I have quite a long view, with a sort of open ended personal view.
I watched the corner by my aunt's house go from boring to worth millions.
Don't ask me about the details, harrumph. Ok, you can ask me tomorrow, but not tonight.
Ah, seems like I was digressing, but not. My dad was at Roswell and Los Alamos, when we were in west LA.
He must be pretty good at keeping secrets!:wink:
Nah, he died a long time ago. Lotsa stories.
Well, actually not, he was quiet. The stories are mine.