Quote:Your "theory" best, I can make of it, simply adopts and presupposes the false premise of SR
To the contrary, Lay, it's merely an alternate way of interpreting the effects of relative motion, asserting that the speed of light can also be considered relative; hence, 'Relative Relativity.' Of course everyone else thinks I'm out of my mind, which might truly be the case, but still nobody has countered it
Yet my 'RR' resolves all the q's inferred in the foregoing controversy
For a quick review, my 'RR' asserts that the controversy has a hidden assumption about time-at-a-distance, which I don't deny, but simply explain; that is, it's generally assumed that everywhere in the Universe not in relative motion is at the same 'now.' I merely extend the existing theory to assert that t-a-a-d is also relative
Thus, ignoring any relative motion, if Marty is at a distance of 5 light minutes, the reading of his clock may be supposed five minutes later than here. Thus when I turn on my flashlight he can be said to see it instantly, not 5 minutes later ; so light speed can be thought 'infinite'