Seeing as how it's Jersey, there's no real way to figure. Unless of course there is voter response survey asking why they chose a candidate. Jersey has a history of going back and forth between Democrats and Republicans, much in the way that New York State has. The Dems and Republicans in both places tend towards the middle, rather than heavily on a liberal or conservative side. Much of that balance is in the entire state and averaged out due to several large cities generally leaning Democrat and hundreds of smaller communities leaning a twinge more Republican.
The leading contender for the Democrats has an interesting background, including ties to the Obama years, but, working heavily against him (in my view) are his connections with Goldman Sachs.
I'd rather go with Jim Johnson.
On the Republican ticket, the only person who seems at all qualified, is Guadagno. Sure she has association with Christie, since she was Lt.Gov. under him, but she has also proved herself during the time Christie played as a Presidential contender and then as a Presidential nominees slap-toy.
I do have some family in Jersey, so, I keep an eye on things.