Whoops... JLN, let me look back and see if I missed something.
Quote:I agree that our society's values and its moral code at one time reflected the desires and interests of some dominant individuals or classes. But today YOUR morals are something that has been formulated and taught to you by your antecedents.
I think maybe your idea of morality equates to my idea of social contract. There are differences, though, as I would imagine. For instance, a system of morality would seem to be more defined in terms of the individual as opposed to interactions. For instance, in a system of morality, killing a murderer might be wrong, whereas in the social contract, the murderer has forsaken the contract and is no longer protected under it. The moral person is still bound by the "do not kill" term of morality whereas the contractually bound person is under no obligations regarding the murderer. What is your thought on this perceived connection between morality and the social contract?
Quote:But tell me: have you never wanted something and believed that you should not either attain it or even want it? That inhibition or problem of conscience reflects either your personal values and/or your internalized social morals as they conflict with your drives (the Freuding conflict between superego and id).
This is what I was referring to when I said
Quote:yes, I have had desires to not desire some things. All those things I said were examples of that.
and which I think you were referring to when you said I needed a spanking

Am I right in this?
What I meant is: I have wanted something and believed that I should not either attain it or even want it. I referenced the things I said earlier:
Quote:So what if you had control of what you wanted?
What if you could change your cravings for expensive food to a craving for really cheap healthy food?
What if you could change your love of bowling to a love of making stew at a homeless shelter?
What if you could change your secret admiration of the beauty of the skanky slut BSpears or JLo or whoever to the repulsion proper to someone of her personage?
Sorry for the misunderstanding. Do I still need a spanking?

Related question: Are you female

jk jk
Graffiti, I haven't come to the conclusion of abolishing feelings. If I implied that, forgive me... I am not the most stable individual I'll admit. If you look back
Quote:I submit that the things most people want or envision as part of their "personal utopia" are pathetic and ill-conceived. I submit that given the chance, many would change the things they want through brain manipulation. I submit that these changes in desires would cause the individual to want to change other desires. This process would eventually translate the set of wants and desires into a very different set. For some time, I considered the complete devaluation of everything and then the choosing of a new set of values (wants). But given no set of values to work with, one would be hard pressed to name other wants (values) that would be the "proper" ones to choose. These wants... these values... are at the very core of what we are. To end these values are to end more than it seems at first. To end these values is to end our desire to live, to end our quest for anything, to end the reason for anything. I envision this as the nirvana I have heard a scarce little about. Philosophically, that is. Practically, it seems to me that it would be a lot like death.
you'll see that I am reluctantly against abolishing feelings and rather reluctantly for allowing my feelings to drift in the direction they want to go. If I am not mistaken I will allow my superego to take the steering wheel and guide my values to where it wants. This will of course change the course, and where it stops no one knows. But wherever it stops will clearly be the best place imaginable. Because it will have been chosen one step at a time as the best way to go.
The only reason I'm against letting go of feelings altogether is because I think it would end what I call my existence. But then again, that's only the grip fear has on me talking. So as I let my superego do the guiding, I may decide fully against feelings after all.
Is any of this making sense?