binnyboy wrote:I mean we should establish our goals as well-informed cyborgs

rather than as pin-headed golfing porn-watching drug-doing video-game-playing slaves to our own desires.
Jeez, Binny, you hit on three of my favorite pastimes...and dissed them without so much as a "by your leave."
I like people with spunk!
You are gonna be lots of fun in this forum!
Quote:I think we should put most of our differences on hold and pursue a major thrust in technology that would end in enhanced human life in the way I described. Because then, you get the uniformity of thought of Brave New World by simple logical discourse. Everybody agrees not because they're forced into it, but because we've got it right for a dern change!
Well, Binny, earlier you wrote:
Quote:Call me goofy or whatever you will...
You are goofy, my friend.
One of the goofiest I seen posting here recently.
But I think I like you.
We seem to have read the same science fiction in our day.