lol Top Secret? I'm in Littleton.
So, where in Brighton? If I meet you out will you be offended if I leave before the game is over? I have to be back here to shoot my cat.
Littleton, I don't think I have ever been there. I've heard of it.
No, I won't be offended....probaby for the best anyway.
Let's meet at Sports Depot. Easy enough.
<looking it up>
353 Cambridge St., Allston <- here?
Hey Slappy, while your there would you pick me up something?
You will, good.
I would like a tall, some what rugged, dark hair, dark eyed guy. He has to be intelligent.
Oh yes, I like hairy.
Yes, it's on Cambridge St. It's so easy to get to, let me know if you need driving help...
Paula, hairy??
That's gross. I ain't picking you up nuttin'. But I'll toast my Sierra to you.
Wait...pick you up something??? Is this a booty call?
I'll keep an eye out for you, Paula.
I looked up driving directions. 2 miles away and a whole other universe to me..... I need to get out more.
Says there's a parking lot. Wow.
Should I bring my knitting? Where inside do you want to meet? Do you know I know nothing about football?
Not super hairy. Just.....amm somewhat. Is this a booty call?
Slappy, just do what your told......o.k.?
K, check your PM.
If you can't find parking, call me. I have a secret lot there(sounds weird, it's not).
See you soon!
I don't know my way around that area at all.
LK, a sports bar is, I'll bet a perfect place to check out guy's, you might be out numbered.
Remember, don't be to shy.
---> runs in, screams PACKERS WON PACKERS WON PACKERS WON!!! runs out ----->
Who was that quick girl runnin through here...
Yay for sozobe! (and the Packers).
Okiedokie. Got the PM. I don't think this is a booty call. Let me rephrase that, this is not a booty call.
Ok, Paula, no to marty feldman, but yes to matt damon?
Have fun Slappy and littlek!
littlek, we expect a thorough report. Take notes.
Yes, to the man who speaks softly yet carries a big stick!
Stick, not dick.
notes, ok, I'll write them on the napkins very discretely and such.
I can't believe I'm going to a sports bar to watch football.