Merry Andrew wrote:JW -- Don't know the Texas preacher's name, but you can get all the inofmration here:
First UU Church of Austin Sermons
Living Under Fascism
7 November 2004
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756
512-452-6168 .
Thanks for the info (I'd already found him...see p.5)
He's kinda wacky, and has a rather small congregation, but even so, I can't imagine anyone taking him too seriously. I do agree with you about freedom of speech, although haven't personally seen any evidence of any Bishops threatening whole congregations with excommunication. I suppose it's possible. I remember a rumor that some bishop said he thought Kerry should be excommunicated for his views on abortion (him professing to being such a devout Catholic and all), but don't generally put much stock in rumors.
There has been quite a bit of sniping on this forum about right-wing fundamentalists and the Bush supporters who just happen to be religious, in general, and I think some of that is what Timber was referring to in his post. Do a search under Politics, using "religion" or religious" and you'll come up with more than 900 hits LOL.
I've said it before, I believe in God but I'm not necessarily "religious" and that wasn't my reason for voting as I did. Matter of fact, I can't think of anyone I know who even remotely had religion in mind when voting.
If the good reverend of that UU church wants to compare what he sees as the "religious right" to fascists, that's his right, as he well knows. He will, however, get laughed at

Just my opinion, of course.