Fri 12 Nov, 2004 10:16 am
What kind of society are we living in when this girl who dumped a dead 28 pound handicapped 8 year old child out like the garbage is facing significantly less time than someone busted with a quarter lb of marijuana or a gram of coke?
Does anyone besides me think our legal priorities are waaayyyy the hell ou of whack?
I'm with you on this one. I would like to see all drugs decriminalized. It is not society's business if someone chooses to take dope. The government pulled the same stupid deal with Prohibition, and you know what happened to THAT!
There will always be abusers, of all kinds. I would like to see the profit motive taken out of the drug trade, once and for all!
As far as the girl is concerned, I wonder if an autopsy was held? I would love to know if she suffered any abuse before she died.
"Detectives" found the body, and "officials" said she died of "natural causes." That sorta implies they did an autopsy.
SURELY they did an autopsy......?
Anyway, it sounds like gross neglect to me.
My guess--and it is only a guess--is that the child's health was precarious from birth. She was placed in foster care with a good woman of limited experience with very little supervision from any agency.
When the child died--of natural causes--the foster mother panicked and dumped the body so she would not be charged with murder.
The foster mother was wrong. The birth mother obviously was not equipped to deal with a severely handicapped child. The agency that placed the child did not offer adequate supervison and the taxpayers did not fund the agency.
There is plenty of blame to go round.
Very true Noddy. I am positive the woman was completely with out the adequate assistance she needed to foster such a child, but the question remains...
Why would she feel the need to hide a body if thier death was totally natural? People with nothing to hide, .. hide nothing.. ?
If she is honest in what she said really happened then there is nothing to hide. And being in the foster system, she would not have had to absorb any of the costs of the childs death or any other reprocussions .. had she spoken up.
Im torn about this I guess...
Some people are cursed with the notion, "They (Society, The Agency, The World) are going to blame me." If the foster mother never accepted the seriousness of the child's condition, how could she accept the death as "natural". A child's death does not seem "natural"--particularly if you've convinced yourself that the child was making progress.
Mind you, my view is conjecture, not fact.
I can accept your rage and I'm glad you see the multitude of targets for your rage.