Suha Arafat gets $22 million/year from PA

Reply Thu 11 Nov, 2004 09:07 pm

Yasser Arafat's widow, Suha, is expected to receive a sum of $22 million a year out of the Palestinian Authority budget, according to the Italian newspaper Corriere De La Serra.

The paper said Suha reached an agreement about the money during a meeting with Mahmoud Abbas, the PLO's newly elected chairman, who visited while she was staying next to her husband's bed in the French military hospital outside Paris.

It said Abbas personally promised Suha that she would receive $22 million a year to cover her expenses in Paris. The paper noted that in July Arafat transferred to his wife $11 million to cover her living costs for the first six months of the year.

Abbas and the Palestinian leadership were forced to strike the deal with Suha after she refused to allow them to visit her husband in hospital.

The Palestinian leaders reached the conclusion that it would be better to make a deal with her in order to solve the crisis surrounding Arafat's possessions and secret bank accounts.

According to Palestinian officials, the money that Suha is expected to receive will come from secret accounts held by Arafat and his cronies in various countries. They estimated that at least $4 billion were being held in these secret accounts.

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Reply Thu 11 Nov, 2004 09:57 pm
Ah, well, Suha is right up there with Eva Braun.

Jimmy Carter said Arafat is "a powerful human symbol and forceful advocate" for a Palestinian homeland.

Think he's getting a cut?
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Reply Thu 11 Nov, 2004 10:26 pm
JustWonders wrote:
Ah, well, Suha is right up there with Eva Braun.

Jimmy Carter said Arafat is "a powerful human symbol and forceful advocate" for a Palestinian homeland.

Think he's getting a cut?

Don't know. All I DO know is that I don't want anybody to even think of sending any of my tax dollars to anything involved with "palestinians" in any way whatsoever after reading this one.
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Reply Thu 11 Nov, 2004 10:54 pm
But hey - as long as your tax dollars go towards rebuilding Iraq...thats OK then!!
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Fri 12 Nov, 2004 12:44 am
gungasnake wrote:

Don't know. All I DO know is that I don't want anybody to even think of sending any of my tax dollars to anything involved with "palestinians" in any way whatsoever after reading this one.

Does that mean, before you didn't mind Shocked

(Actually, the French prosecution started the inquiry about the transfer of those 11 million $ already in last year - and until now, no other media that the JP reports the $22 million deal in gungasnake's quotation.)
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Reply Sun 14 Nov, 2004 07:58 pm
If Abbas doesn't get elected in January, who is going to support her? Hamas wouldn't do it. Who knows if anyone else but Abbas and those in that circle would continue this support. I don't think anyone knows who controls those bank accounts or even where those accounts are. It is all speculation as to where the money is, who controls it and the actual figure she was promised. I heard this figure but who knows what really happened. I also heard she was given a lump sum. Who knows.

The whole thing is sickening. The Palestinians live in squalor and she gets a ton of money. Nice to know he truly cared about his people. Blech.
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Reply Sun 14 Nov, 2004 08:04 pm
outrageous, I bet that's more than Lynn Cheney gets.
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Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2004 10:14 am
If she's getting 22 million a year then why are so many of her people suffering? She should give it up and let the people have it. We know she didn't do anything for the people, so why is she getting so much?

On a differnt note, what do you all think Arafat died of? Some are saying AIDS due to the fact that they havn't announced what he died of. I don't know for sure myself but it would be interesting.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2004 10:59 am
Baldimo - that rumor about him dying of AIDS was in the NYTimes. Personally, I don't care what he died of...I'm just glad he's gone and wish it had been a whole lot sooner.

Suha cared no more for the suffering of her so-called "people" than the murderer Arafat did. They paid her off to keep her quiet. If the Palestinians really knew the facts, they'd have torn him apart and thrown him in a dumpster.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2004 02:13 pm
Baldimo wrote:
Some are saying AIDS due to the fact that they havn't announced what he died of. I don't know for sure myself but it would be interesting.

The French law on patient confidentiality doen't allow to publish the reason of a death besides either allowed by the person before his death or by close relatives afterwards (the very same say most [if not all] laws in other European countries).
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2004 02:20 pm
Walter Hinteler wrote:
Baldimo wrote:
Some are saying AIDS due to the fact that they havn't announced what he died of. I don't know for sure myself but it would be interesting.

The French law on patient confidentiality doen't allow to publish the reason of a death besides either allowed by the person before his death or by close relatives afterwards (the very same say most [if not all] laws in other European countries).
If it was something simple like a heart attack, then how come they just haven't come forward and said so? If it were something like AIDS, which would be embarrassing to his family, then they would hide it. It has been a week and nothing has been said. As I noted earlier, don't his people deserve to know?
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2004 02:26 pm
Well, you obviously don't know that many Europeans have a different attitude to personal privacy than you US-Americans.

I've and would never allow anyone to say s. th. about the reasons why my father died.

Who deserves why to know personal matters about the death of person?

Besides the relatives, the police, I would guess, and the prosecution office.

And I don't think, we/they will change the law just for Arafat.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2004 02:30 pm
In the case of a people's leader, they deserve to know how and or why their leader died. It would bring a level of closure to the people and not give them a reason to have someone. Some of them already think the Israelis poisoned him and this would let the truth be know.
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Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2004 02:34 pm
Baldimo, this sort of thing is revealed only at the discretion of the immediate family. If they don't want to reveal the cause of death, nothing can be done about it. Nothing legal. And leaking the info likely isn't worth the cost of the lawsuits that could ensue.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2004 02:46 pm
Baldimo wrote:
In the case of a people's leader, they deserve to know how and or why their leader died.

As said: may well be that this is the 100% opinion of all Americans, but [fortunately, I add] not here in Europe.

(Politicans, even leading one's, die here "after a long, severe illness" or "she/he was in hospital recently due to a heart attack, The reason of her/his death is not known".
No-one will complain about that, since we want our privacy to be respected as well.)
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2004 03:11 pm
baldimo wrote : " ... something like AIDS, which would be embarrassing to his family ... " . i was under the impression that AIDS - while a terrible sickness - is nothing to be embarrased about. plenty of people have contracted AIDS through blood transfusions; if they die, should the family be embarrased about it ? should we have tests administered to determine how people contracted and died of aids ? i thought we lived in somewhat more enlightened times; i must be dreaming. hbg
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2004 03:33 pm
Walter Hinteler wrote:
Baldimo wrote:
Some are saying AIDS due to the fact that they havn't announced what he died of. I don't know for sure myself but it would be interesting.

The French law on patient confidentiality doen't allow to publish the reason of a death besides either allowed by the person before his death or by close relatives afterwards (the very same say most [if not all] laws in other European countries).

I apologise ahead of time for being an ugly crass american, but why people die fascinates me, particularly when there is some potential for political intrigue involved. I found a link about the AIDS connection with some particularly graphic supporting details... Do you think that the source being an Israeli newspaper is significant? Would they have printed it without verifying the sources and allegations?

Hospital concealment strengthens suspicion: Arafat died of AIDS
By israelinsider staff November 11, 2004

Editor's Update 11/11/04: As James Taranto wryly notes in Opinion Journal, citing this original Israel Insider report, "Yasser Arafat is in stable condition after dying in a Paris hospital. A hospital spokesman 'said there would be no details about the cause of death because of French privacy laws,' reports the Associated Press." Now why do you think there would be a need to invoke privacy laws in reporting a man's death? And why, suddenly, is it no longer a "mysterious illness" but an illness that must be concealed?

The article as originally reported on November 6, 2004:

Former White House speechwriter David Frum has joined the growing chorus of pundits, medical experts, and intelligence operatives who claim Yasser Arafat is likely suffering from AIDS.

Frum, a key figure in Republican politics and the man who coined the terms "axis of evil," writes in National Review Online that Arafat's undisclosed illness is well-known, but has been kept under wraps by the mainstream media.

"Speaking of media bias, here's a question you won't hear in our big papers or on network TV: Does Yasser Arafat have AIDS?" asks Frum, who also writes for the National Post.

"We know he has a blood disease that is depressing his immune system. We know that he has suddenly dropped considerable weight -- possibly as much as one-third of all his body weight. We know that he is suffering intermittent mental dysfunction. What does this sound like?"

Earlier, John Loftus told John Batchelor on ABC radio on October 26 that Arafat is dying from AIDS. Loftus said the CIA has known this about Arafat for quite awhile and that as a result the US has encouraged Sharon not to take Arafat out because the US has known Arafat was about done. It was deemed better to have Arafat discredited as a homosexual.

Although homosexuality is rife in the Arab world, it is at least officially considered a sin and a crime, and regarded--especially in fundamentalist circles--as a mark of great shame and depravity.

Intelligence on "the tiger" romping with bodyguards
Frum pointed to KGB evidence linking Arafat to homosexual activities, citing a 1987 book by Lt.-Gen. Ion Pacepa, the deputy chief of Romania's intelligence service under Communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu.

In his memoirs "Red Horizons," Pacepa relates a conversation in 1978 with Constantin Munteaunu, a general assigned to teach Arafat and the PLO techniques to deceive the West into granting the organization recognition.

"I just called the microphone monitoring center to ask about the 'Fedayee,'" Arafat's code name, explained Munteaunu. "After the meeting with the Comrade, he went directly to the guest house and had dinner. At this very moment, the 'Fedayee' is in his bedroom making love to his bodyguard. The one I knew was his latest lover. He's playing tiger again. The officer monitoring his microphones connected me live with the bedroom, and the squawling almost broke my eardrums. Arafat was roaring like a tiger, and his lover yelping like a hyena."

Munteaunu continued: "I've never before seen so much cleverness, blood and filth all together in one man." Munteaunu, wrote Pacepa, spent months pulling together secret reports from Egyptian, Jordanian and Syrian intelligence agencies as well as Romanian files.

"I used to think I knew just about everything there was to know about Rahman al-Qudwa," Arafat's real name, "about the construction engineer who made a fortune in Kuwait, about the passionate collector of racing cars, about Abu Amman," Arafat's nom de guerre, "and about my friend Yasser, with all his hysterics," explained Munteaunu, handing Pacepa his final report on the PLO leader. "But I've got to admit that I didn't really know anything about him."

Pacepa wrote: "The report was indeed an incredible account of fanaticism, of devotion to his cause, of tangled oriental political maneuvers, of lies, of embezzled PLO funds deposited in Swiss banks, and of homosexual relationships, beginning with his teacher when he was a teen-ager and ending with his current bodyguards. After reading the report, I felt a compulsion to take a shower whenever I had been kissed by Arafat, or even just shaken his hand."

"If true, Arafat would have a great deal to conceal from his people and his murderously anti-homosexual supporters in the Islamic world," writes Frum, suggesting that Arafat was airlifted to France for medical treatment because he "could trust the French to protect his intimate secret."

The medical evidence adds up
Palestinian Foreign Minister Nabil Shaath Monday said that all types of cancer had been ruled out, and the latest news is that French doctors have ruled out poisoning.

Medical observers note that a low blood platelet count is a sign of a weakened immune system, and indeed last week there were reports of a complete collapse of Arafat's immune system. Other than the ruled-out cancer, the low count could be attributed to bleeding ulcers, colitis, liver disease, lupus, or HIV. It is believed that ulcers and colitis have already been ruled out.

Arafat has lost a considerable amount of body weight. Hopital d'Instruction des Armees de Percy, southwest of Paris, is known to have some of France's best HIV/AIDS doctors. Other medical experts note that Arafat's activities in recent weeks and months suggest the dementia that accompanies late-stage AIDS.

Medical authorities not connected directly to his case are suggesting that he may have HIV/AIDS. One doctor reported to an Israel Insider source that his suspicions have been growing for more than a year.

"I began to see tell tale signs of kaposis sarcoma. His Parkinsonian tremor was more than just a Parkinsonian tremor and he was also showing signs of weakness. The rumor about homosexuality/bisexuality has been around for decades. So I put two and two together when they started talking about his health over a year ago. The talk of a mysterious illness in this day and age should be a tip-off. He has some of the best physicians in the world attending to him. He can be diagnosed clinically, without perfoming any tests. All the doctors surrounding him know what he has. All this cloak and dagger about tests is a ruse. They understand the implications of divulging that he has HIV. If I were Suha I would be getting a little concerned."

If Arafat has AIDS, that would also explain Suha's reticence to allow the release of significant information about Arafat's condition, and the almost ludicrously tight-lipped reports of the French hospital spokesman, and the refusal of anyone connected with Arafat to hold a press conference in recent days.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2004 03:51 pm
That it is from an Israeli paper makes it suspicious to me to begin with.
And since there is no legal way they could have determined this - well, of course they printed it without verifying it.

Bottom line, it's no one's business what he died of - and no one's right to know (other than his immediate family).

The information wouldn't be made available in Canada either. PIPEDA makes sure of it (Privacy of Information Act).
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2004 04:10 pm
So I guess some peeps on here are thinking Arafat was a queer. Interesting if that was the same peeps who are so adament about anti gay marriage. Well, it would be a good argument against gays in general (if your gay you might turn into a PLO (terrorist)) and get a Nobel Peace Prize to boot. It's a hard line to take but someone's gotta take it. I am now thinking Sadaam was also queer. Does anyone know about Kerry's sex life?
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Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2004 04:17 pm
hamburger wrote:
baldimo wrote : " ... something like AIDS, which would be embarrassing to his family ... " . i was under the impression that AIDS - while a terrible sickness - is nothing to be embarrased about. plenty of people have contracted AIDS through blood transfusions; if they die, should the family be embarrased about it ? should we have tests administered to determine how people contracted and died of aids ? i thought we lived in somewhat more enlightened times; i must be dreaming. hbg

As everyone likes to point out, the Arab world is different world then the western world. Here in the US it isn't a big deal, but in the Arab world it would be seen differently.
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