Thu 11 Nov, 2004 08:49 pm
so give this a shot
Some good ol' poppin
Sucked in, Olga! Wow, Seed, hours of mindless entertainment there! I actually popped all the pimples. Shows you what can happen if you don't have a proper night's sleep, hey?
lol i only hit like 44 but that was with a laptop... way to go with gettin the gold
That's not for me, I'm not that bored yet :wink:
hehe... leave it to my immature friends in college to send me a link like that eh? just thought i would pass it along
Gross! I kind of liked it.
What's goin on? Popping something, I haven't clicked....scuse me.
That was repugnant! I got a 66.
i think thats what seal used to look like
Seed, was that an insult?
Are you trying to make my day by making my list?
just sayin paula thats all... not insult, just a joke at seal's cost
oooooooooooooo.k. seed, I watchin.