The Mac Thread

Reply Fri 12 Nov, 2004 08:19 am
I'm updating my resume -- which is in Word format. So I had an uh-oh moment, then got MS Word for Macs. Woo-hoo!

Even the Word icons are cooler on a Mac.

I liked Windows fine -- my old COMPUTER sucked (old, decrepit) but I didn't really have anything against Windows per se. Hubby became a Mac convert several years ago, uses them for work, and converted me in turn. I'm happy so far.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 12 Nov, 2004 08:51 am
Re: The Mac Thread
Craven de Kere wrote:


Pro: Because Macs are so damn limited, the ways they can break are also limited.
Con: This renders macs useless for many purposes, and keeps it relagated to niche uses.

This isn't necessarily true. While even 5 years ago I may have agreed with you I think this is becoming less and less true. There are more and more software companies that are starting to release mac versions as well. Even games are startig to be released with mac versions.

OSX is a very stable OS. It always amazes me to go to the computer forum and look at all of the problems PC users have. I often have no idea what they are talking about becasue I have never had those problems with a Mac. Is that because they are doing more with their PC? I doubt it. While I am far from a computer wiz... I'd be pretty confident in saying I know more than the average user and do more with my Mac than the average PC user... of course I have absolutely no proof to back that up with.

You also stated that while macs run pretty powerful hardware you pay a premium and there is nothing that you wouldn't be able to get for a PC. This is true, but the point, I think, is that you get it all at the same time. For example, while grphic cards are a hot discussion between PC users, "What graphic card should I upgrade to?" are words you will probably never hear a mac user say. We pay a higher price but get high quality stuff right off the bat.

Craven de Kere wrote:


Pro: Less visible of a target
Con: Macs aren't inherently more secure than PCs and this is just a false sense of security.

Sadly this is true... it just wasn't worth the effort to develop viruses as such for Macs... there weren't many out there. But, keeping up with the security updates that Apple releases is a good start.

Craven de Kere wrote:

Pro: Macs are niche-hip.
Con: It's mainly just vapid marketing that people buy into.

Yes and no... They have a steel grip on the graphics business... I don't use anything else. Yes they advertise to the young and hip crowd who are willing to shell out a few extra bucks for a stylish copmuter, but hands down, I prefer the usability and stability that macs provide.... that's more than just hip marketing.

Craven de Kere wrote:
If you want to play a variety of games use Windows
I used to joke with Window crazy friends that they didn't buy anything but a $1000 playstation.

Craven de Kere wrote:
If the Mac downsides (mainly limited compatibility) doesn't bother you then a Mac will probably make you much happier than a PC.

Again... becoming less and less of an issue.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 12 Nov, 2004 09:11 am
Ok, now I got a problem!!!

A friend lent me his external hard drive, shockfull with mp3s. now how the burning heck do I get it to my iTunes? I tried drag/drop, dinna work, I tried duplicate external hard drive, dinna work either.
Going out for a cigarette, better have that answer ready till I'm back, ya hear! Just kiddin', wanted to say prettyprettyplease, actually.
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Reply Fri 12 Nov, 2004 09:12 am
And BTW, I have it connected thru usb 2.0, so yeah, I'm not that stupid,

0 Replies
Reply Fri 12 Nov, 2004 09:13 am
You have the external hard drive hooked up and you are just trying to transfer the music?

By the way BD, check this out:

0 Replies
Reply Fri 12 Nov, 2004 09:17 am
yes, in short
0 Replies
Reply Fri 12 Nov, 2004 09:19 am
If the hard drive is showing up on your desk top (which it should). Open up itunes, select all of the music on the hard drive and drag/drop it to the "Library" in itunes. It should copy over automatically.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 12 Nov, 2004 09:22 am
Thanks for the new avatar, jp!!! awesome!!!!
And I'll try it that! Back in a coupla minutes!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 12 Nov, 2004 09:28 am
seems to work pretty nice! thanks again!

Silly Q#1: How do I convert my own cds into mp3s?
Silly Q#2: when I burn a cd, does the mac ask me in what kind of format I want to burn it in?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 12 Nov, 2004 09:38 am
bigdice67 wrote:
Silly Q#1: How do I convert my own cds into mp3s?

Once you put the cd in your computer it will show up in itunes. You can then select all of the songs you want and either drag/drop them on the Library or just hit Import in the upper right hand corner. If you go to the Itunes menu (upper left corner of screen) and select Preferences it will bring up the preference options. Under Import there are a bunch of options to choose from. For "Import Using" I use the "AAC Encoder" option. For "Setting" I use "High Quality (128 kbps)" option. This gives good quality sound and smaller file sizes. But they are NOT MP3s so if have a MP# player that you use you probably want to stick with the MP3 Encoder option for "Import Using"... unless you have an ipod... they play AAC as well.

bigdice67 wrote:
Silly Q#2: when I burn a cd, does the mac ask me in what kind of format I want to burn it in?

CD burning options are also under the preference menu. You can burn Audio CDs (AIFF files), MP3 CD or Data CD or DVD.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 12 Nov, 2004 10:13 am
Thanks a million, buddy! Gotta run off to work now, so I'll check that out some other time.
0 Replies
Craven de Kere
Reply Sat 13 Nov, 2004 02:04 pm
FreeDuck wrote:
I don't know Craven, I think macs (running OSX) make pretty good servers.....

Like I said, a Unix based server.. ;-)

But it comes with a bunch of unecessary stuff, I'm not a fan of servers that have a robust GUI (like Windows Servers for example).

jpinMilwaukee wrote:
Craven de Kere wrote:


Pro: Because Macs are so damn limited, the ways they can break are also limited.
Con: This renders macs useless for many purposes, and keeps it relagated to niche uses.

This isn't necessarily true. While even 5 years ago I may have agreed with you I think this is becoming less and less true. There are more and more software companies that are starting to release mac versions as well. Even games are startig to be released with mac versions.

Compatibility goes beyond merely having more programs available, as compatability across the platforms is often a no-go.

But even if the number of programs were the measure Macs are actually falling behind. More companies are making Mac programs but the number of companies starting to make PC programs is also increasing, and at a faster rate. Making Macs even farther behind in the number of applications they will support.

However Mac work with emulation is promising. Turning Macs into Windows machines to run a program is popular for a reason.

OSX is a very stable OS. It always amazes me to go to the computer forum and look at all of the problems PC users have.

Indeed it is. A fantastic OS and beautiful to boot.

I often have no idea what they are talking about because I have never had those problems with a Mac. Is that because they are doing more with their PC? I doubt it.

In a way, yes. PCs are far less proprietarty of a platform than Macs, the Mac restrictions of all varieties also restrict the problems. This is why Mac incompatibility and uselessness also is a strength.

That Macs have a monopoly on the hardware is a boon in this regard and a detriment in regard to price.

In any case, PCs can easily be just as stable, there simply aren't many people writing malicious code or sloppy code for Macs (going back to the first point, where Macs are less of a target platform for code at all, both good and bad).

So while Mac users can't take advantage of a host of amazing free PC utilities they also can't be harmed by a host of alicious utilities.

I run all OSes every single day, and none are significantly more stable than the others unless I limit their scope.

On a hardened Unix box that is setup only to do a few things its stability will far far outshine a Windows or Mac box. Because Windows boxes can do a lot more there are more ways it can be instable.

You also stated that while macs run pretty powerful hardware you pay a premium and there is nothing that you wouldn't be able to get for a PC. This is true, but the point, I think, is that you get it all at the same time. For example, while grphic cards are a hot discussion between PC users, "What graphic card should I upgrade to?" are words you will probably never hear a mac user say. We pay a higher price but get high quality stuff right off the bat.

Yep, makes decisions easier.

More limited, but easier. This is a recurring theme for Macs, encapsulating both the good and the bad. The good is never having hardware conflicts, and having to think less about the computer and how it works. The bad is having less choice and being not being able to do as much based upon thought on how the computer will work.

Sadly this is true... it just wasn't worth the effort to develop viruses as such for Macs... there weren't many out there. But, keeping up with the security updates that Apple releases is a good start.

I heartily recommend keeping up with any software's updates. These days all software is being patched a lot. MS platforms get a lot of attention but even the anti-MS crowd's software has been being exploited.

Yes and no... They have a steel grip on the graphics business...

Sure do, and because of this a hardcore graphic artist should use Macs because of the compatibility issues (the same ones that hamper Macs, just that this time this niche is a majority for them).

Thing is, the Mac platform isn't inherently better for this. I manage graphic artists and work with them all day long, while they are inconvenienced with a platform they don't prefer they are still able to do anything they needed to do on PC platforms (we have both Macs and PCs doing graphics).

PCs only becoem an issue when the printer begs us to send it from a mac etc.

I don't use anything else. Yes they advertise to the young and hip crowd who are willing to shell out a few extra bucks for a stylish copmuter, but hands down, I prefer the usability and stability that macs provide.... that's more than just hip marketing.

Macs have more usability in their limited feature set but also less usability in their limited feature set. Usability is a large subject and my current position in my company centers on useability so I test this a lot. Macs have amazing usability for the stuff they do, but it's the stuff they don't do that has the greatest impact on useability. With navigating through the OS people tend to just call the OS they are familiar with the more useable one.

Me, I find all of them equally useable in that regard. It's just a matter of knowing them all in detail.

Macs hide a lot from their users, for some the ignorance is actually useability. For others it's an impediment to facile use.

Craven de Kere wrote:
If you want to play a variety of games use Windows
I used to joke with Window crazy friends that they didn't buy anything but a $1000 playstation.

Laughing old joke, as it's now sometimes a 6,000 xbox. The boxes I was pricing recently were over 8,000. Then I came to my senses.

Craven de Kere wrote:
If the Mac downsides (mainly limited compatibility) doesn't bother you then a Mac will probably make you much happier than a PC.

Again... becoming less and less of an issue.

This is simply untrue, the gap between mac programs and PC programs is widening at an accelerated pace.

In any case, in my own personal daydrams my computer company would be more like Macs (closed) than PCs.

Mac vs PC represents closed vs open when it comes to choice.

But that's all I have to say about the comparisons, I like both and will be buying a Mac eventually (as a nth computer, getting some more Unix boxes first is more important now that Macs are like Unix boxes with more GUI overhead).
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2004 08:49 am
I'm a Mandrake Linux User. Good thread for me too, so I will informed about Mac.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2004 09:30 am
Hey Craven,

What kind of security do you have for your macs? I am getting DSL for my home computer and am shopping around for good security measures.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2004 09:40 am
Yeah, I wanna know as well!
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Craven de Kere
Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2004 04:48 pm
jpinMilwaukee wrote:

What kind of security do you have for your macs? I am getting DSL for my home computer and am shopping around for good security measures.

I don't connect the macs online. We run a Windows domain controller at work and don't bother trying to get the macs on it. The Macs are just there for the graphic artists and for us to play "Minority Report" (the windows thing).

Edit: But we do have assorted AV software on it, mainly Sophos or Authentium ESP.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2004 05:29 pm
OK, let's rephrase that; what kind of anti-virus software, ad-aware and such would you recommend for a Mac?

BTW, Craven, Brain says hi! Had an excellent dinner at his home, and we discussed your "little problem" that you had the other night.... I guess he burned yo ass for that! Not your fault, though, Brian told me.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2004 05:30 pm
'm not gonna edit a comma....
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Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2004 05:35 pm
I use Norton. I've been using Norton since starting on the Mac ten years ago. I hear alot of people complain about it but I've never had any problems and I've never had a virus.
0 Replies
Craven de Kere
Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2004 05:54 pm
bigdice67 wrote:
OK, let's rephrase that; what kind of anti-virus software, ad-aware and such would you recommend for a Mac?

Patches to the OS are the most important, several OSX exploits have been patched recently.

I've already mentioned AV software. For ad-ware and spy-ware there is MacScan.

But I think the point you are trying to make is the common claim that Macs don't have security risks. That's a fasle sense of security.

BTW, Craven, Brain says hi! Had an excellent dinner at his home, and we discussed your "little problem" that you had the other night.... I guess he burned yo ass for that! Not your fault, though, Brian told me.

Arg, that "little problem" meant no sleep this weekend.
0 Replies

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