Please tell me specifically one improper thing that any member of the Trump team said to any Russian person. Just to be clear, "might have said" doesn't count.
Brandon...le'ts make a bet. The stakes are whomever loses can no longer post on this site using our current names.
The bet is "Not one single member of Trumps team spoke to anything improper to Russian person as discovered and reported by the FBI's investigation." My side is that at least 1 person in Trumps team spoke improperly to a Russian person. Your side is that not even a single person did.
You up for it?
No thanks. I take it from your response that you are presently unable to give any example of such an improper statement. If you are able to, please do so.
Don't worry Brandon...we'll have 9 separate investigations into the Russia thing and in the end we'll either know something or we won't. Doesn't effect my life much either way. I've got to empty the garbage, do the dishes, put in a full day at work, and get to have beers with friends later. Nothing else much matters...
An investigation when there us already a little evidence of wrong doing is one thing. An investigation in the total absence of evidence is a witch hunt. Democrats seek to continue the election by other means, which is dishonorable.
0 Replies
Fri 26 May, 2017 12:24 pm
This is inherent to all you folks, it's genetically American, fixed by the all those years of propaganda. Edgar, you, maporsche, finn, you are all the same.
This is inherent to all you folks, it's genetically American, fixed by the all those years of propaganda. Edgar, you, maporsche, finn, you are all the same.
Mere name calling. Anyone can accuse anyone of anything.