Gargamel wrote:Portal Star wrote:Slavery wasn't the main focus of the civil war, it was there, but the war was fought over the federal government in power vs. individual state governments in power issue.
The problem with liberals is that they say a lot of things that sound intelligent, but never follow through on figuring out the difference between things that sound good and things that -actually- work. Big federal government (yes the issue stated above) is a big mistake. We should definately be united for defense, for basic commerce and travel regulation. However, the federal government has completely taken over states rights, and is systematically shadowing the liberties of its people.
Ahem, speaking of "saying things that sound intelligent, but never follow[ing] through," that's the biggest cliche batted around about the fundamental difference between Republicans and Democrats. Why don't you follow through and explain how the federal government has completely taken over states rights?
The Patriot Act is a perfect example of the government taking over individual Civil Liberties--to follow through, the undermining of due process.
Yes, the patriot act is. And Kerry, by the way, voted for the patriot act.
Federal government regulates business to the point that states have very little to do. Whenever the federal government makes a law it automatically overshadows states. Thus, every new law made by the federal government is a decision that cannot after that point be decided on the state level. A good example is going on right now, on the issue of gay right to marriage. The states have decided individually how to react to the bill, but the federal government is trying to pass a law against gay marriage - thus denying the states the right to have variance on the issue.
The federal government also taxes to the extent that the states cannot tax enough to be able to implement their decisions. They are further controlled by the re-apportioning of federal taxes to states which comply with federal wishes. (Taxes which should have been the state's in the first place, to use as they saw fit.)
And, I'm not a rebublican. I don't like republicans and I don't like democrats. I have a slightly greater disdain for democrats because of their continual expansion of the federal government and federally conducted social programs.