Thanks, georgeob1 ... never was at Beafort - Cherry Point, New River, El Toro, and Alameda, but never Beaufort - but I knew a few Shamrocks ... mostly from sea cruises. When you flew with 'em were they operatin' Corsairs, Panthers, Furys, Crusaders, or Phantoms? i ask just to narrow down your age ... and realize I've prolly just disclosed my own

(well, I wasn't there for the Corsairs, Panthers or the Furys). And no, no point tryin' to tell a jarhead much.
Thanks to you, too, Noddy. I'm sure much of this is a mystery to you, and that's exactly as it should be. That's what its all about.
Joe Nation, thanks a helluva bunch. That sorta choked me up, and I'm not ashamed to say so. Be assured you've long had my respect and regard.