Tue 9 May, 2017 12:15 am
Hi, I want to sent a letter to my bf in the USA. Im in a different country on the opposite site of the world. It is too expensive to send a parcel for me so I'd like to know if I can send trinkets in an envelope with my letter. The reason I ask is because I sent a lil matchbox before like that but it was squashed when it reached. Is anybody aware of the procedure of letter sending bc I don't want the little things I'm sending to reach him broken because the letters are put in a pressing machine before being sent or something.
I would really suggest a shipping envelope made of the tough, white plastic they use. That's a minimum even within the United States.
Why would you think you can put an article in a letter envelope?
Be a big girl and find a box or padded envelope.
You're going to have to spring for at least the cost of a padded envelope - and don't send fragile things by mail. They aren't going to make it. Keep in mind that you will have to pay more to mail an envelope with something in it - a regular stamp won't deal with it. Parcels are generally cheaper than letter mail (by weight).