Your ignorance shows when said word was never taken into its extreme from its inception. The pragmatical use of "nothingness" in the evolution of language always referred to "no thing that relates" and never to an absolute nothingness which is an spin-off of the ACTUAL natural use of the word. "Nothing in the freezer" for instance obviously refers to nothing that relates to what one might be wanting to find in a freezer other then cold air, as "nothing in my mind" that is worth broadcasting...
The fact is that nothingness as is modernly defined requires the very absence of absence, the absence of the concept itself, the absence of the need for such concept in any non existent mind, and finally the absence of an idiot like you engaging in stupid pot shots at a topic from which you don't understand absolutely nothing! (The lack of understanding is something in case you missed the abstraction required to grasp it)
From Nothingness it suffices to state that there is nothing to Nothingness...as it seems, a much needed tautology!
PS - "Zero" is the result of opposing processes not the absence of such processes... and with that last chop I live you back in my ignore page where you belong. I have nothing to say to you nor do I have anything to learn from you. You are a true idiot...you just don't appreciate of much of an idiot you are...otherwise you would tread carefully in debating me!