In my field hypotheses first come out of initial observations. Same thing in chemistry, and Id venture biology also. Physics, being the dead center of from where science grew is replete with "Thought experiments".
In geology one of the closest things to a Thought experiment was the solving the cause of the Pine Ridge OVERTHRUST. This is a flat overthrust belt of older Paleozoic sedimentary rock in Virginia and Tennessee tht hd beeng thrust about 80 miles inland over top the later Paleozoic rocks.
TWo geologists were engaging in enjoying some beverages (Pivo) and one guy spilt his beer a bit and then , when his can was empty, he laif=d his can upside down on the small puddle on the bar.(His point was that warming air trapped in the beer can lifted the can slightly. This lift was enough to allow the can to slide over the beer. The two guys worked out some ideas that perhaps with some uniaxial force (sideways inland) on formation could break (perhaps a a result of a small tectonic event. And the entire 80 mile section of rock slid over what the two guys later discovered and named "A strut formation". They then went out into the field with geophysics and a drill rig and provided enough evidence to develop a theory of low angle thrust faulting (VERY BIG deal in gold mining).
Evryone gives Wegner credit for developing Continental Drift. His hypothesis was based upon his noting that the atlantic ocean separated two land masses that seemed to fit together and the fact that fossil Paleozoic leaves of the
Glossopteris Fern (a paleozoic ggymnosperm) was located on all the continents that fit together (Europe, Africa on the East and North and South America on the west side of the Atlantic). Glossopteris was the last "same species" fossil to be found on these four landmasses. The actual theory was based on the work of two geologists who were hired by the War Deprtment in WWII to use magnetometry to try to locate MINES in deep ocean basins that could kill our submarines.
The two geologists were unable to locate many mines because the earths own magnetic declination changed smartly east and west of theAtlantic mid Ocean rise. Magnetic signals displayed what appeared to be "stripes" of alternating declination in undersea lava deposits. These observations led to the development of a testable hypothesis which grew to be highly evidenced THEORY (it was one of the fastest developed theories in science).
Ive been trying to think about any geological "Hypothesis" that did not base itself on observations. Creationism and ID are both based upon
1 Biblical inerrancy or
2 incredulity.
Most science doesn't pay much attention to these "hypotheses", We jut argue the points to enhance our "culture wars" running amok mostly here in the USA and in Australia. Most other civilized countries dont have the same problems with science.
More, who started the fracked up attack on Philosophy were your trivial brain dead colleagues. You are old enough and not so dumb enough to KNOW most are brain dead incoherent mouthfuls!
Wow, someone needs a nap. If you are able to maintain obviously two or more non agreeing postulates while in an argument, then youre a better man than I. Obviously you cant engage in testing your own opinions by dipping into others.
Leadfoot and I ngage in some nasty **** but I still think Id like to hve a beer with him. You seem to be a bit, uhhhh, on an edge of some kind??
Ill leave you be with your opinions. I thibk I unerstand where they come from. I just dont share em.