The whole miss conception comes with the idea that a law mandates this or mandates that to happen. A law mandates nothing, it only describes regularities within time not outside it. And this says something about agents lacking free will to! We don't chose we happen! The idea of choice only makes sense when framed within time, never outside it, and never retrospectively.
Now if we can get focused on a model like GR that clearly explains that time itself is a phenomena an illusion of sorts, note that illusions are real illusions, that is to mean, phenomena are real even if misleading on how to interpret Reality, then we can get past a linear discourse, a biological narrative of exploration and discovery and invention, to a more humble approach on our role as simple spectators of our own unfolding in the world. A World that is whole and complete.
...oh yes and fractal to, we definitely have to do away with this Infinity business! Infinity without new information or Qualia is meaningless and useless. Another illusion!