CalamityJane wrote:I was a counselor at Planned Parenthood for a number
of years - a real eye opener. It doesn't matter under
what circumstances a girl/woman gets pregnant, if she
chooses to abort within the legal means, it should be
her concern only.
Pro choice must remain - government interference in such a private matter cannot be granted.
This is where it gets murky.
What about the father? What if he wants the baby? Why are his rights ignored?
Why does the father have no say in the matter? Isnt he allowed to have an opinion?
I know the pro abortion crowd doesnt believe the man is anything more then a sperm donor,but the father suffers from an abortion also.
I do agree that it is a private matter,and the govt has no business saying anything about it.
If Roe v Wade is overturned,then it will go back to where it belongs,to the states.
The people will be able to decide for themselves what they want.
Yes,we might end up with 50 different laws,but that way the peoople will have spoken,instead of having an activist court deciding.
Whats wrong with that?