Elsewhere online, people are beginning to refer to the voting irregularities as "Votergate," available at
Congressman Rush Holt apparently introduced a bill into Congress requiring a voter-verified paper ballot be produced by all electronic voting machines, and it's been co-sponsored by a majority of the members of the House of Representatives. The two-year battle fought by Dennis Hastert and Tom DeLay to keep it from coming to a vote, thus insuring that there will be no possible audit of the votes of about a third of the 2004 electorate. Many independent thinkers are worried that neocons, and their "ends justifies the means" morality would stoop to stealing the vote "for the better good of the country." I'm not sure if I believe things're quite that extreme, but have moments where I doubt the honesty of the people advising the president and essentially setting our country's policies... I recommend you see the information available for yourselves. Very interesting to read...