My wife was a thin girl when I met her. She was thin when we married. She was thin after two kids. In the last 20 years, she has gained a good bit of weight. (Granted, some of that, maybe all of it due to some medication she is on.) She may not be as physically attractive as she once was due to the weight, but you know what? I love the person she is. She still turns me on. Sometimes I may look at her and wish she would lose a few pounds, but I didn't marry her because she was skinny.
The point is, if you love her, she will be attractive to you regardless of the extra weight. There may be times you are not as turned on as you think you would be with someone weighing less, but if she still does it for you, then why worry.
That said, there is nothing wrong with you being honest with her about her weight if it is concerning to you. I have gently (very gently) urged my wife on multiple occasions to try to take some weight off for health reasons. So talk to her about it. Be somewhat honest. If the two of you have as good of a relationship as you seem to indicate, then I don't think she will take offense. Just make sure you tell her you love her regardless.
Good luck.