The only people "tlking down" are the ultra conservatives who deny everything factual and then use pejoratives like "cheese eaters" or "snowflakes"
Im a full hex cheesmatarian and am smart enough to recognize that PBS hardly even talks down to kids. If youd rather watch "ANCIENT ALIENS" and "MYSTERIES THAT NASA WONT TALK ABOUT"--(and make believe your being debriefed on science, ) please, carry on.
I heard a dumass lecture full of alf truths, downright lies and word games by Ted Nugent giving us his expert opinions about climate change. (It wasnt a TED talk because all the words were in 1 syllable and his phrases were preceeded by some bullshit "foreword").
I think I saw what may have been the same "compound interest" discussion, the actual point I saw was that, with the way compound interest works , with reinvestment is waaay better than these fixed annuities that , in order to protect the bottom of your portfolio, never allow you to reap the benefits of the top earnings. It was a use of simple phraseology in order to discuss risks/reward and ( i think) the overall genius of low fee index funds.