There are policemen and firemen. Cable guys. Spider-man, Batman, Superman, post man, Larry the cable guy,...
When are they 2 words, when can they be 1 word, or hyphenated?
Asking because we were talking to the elevator guy and we couldn't decide if that would be 2 words or 1. Seems like it should be 2 words If we are referring to him, and 1 of the word is his title...
Bad, of course Cen is right as usu, but still it's a good q as I'm always lookin' for syns in this connection; man, guy, fella, gal, fem, etc etc
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Sun 23 Apr, 2017 12:24 pm
Policemen and firemen are jobs that are so well known that they have become standardized terms. So it is accepted that they are one word.
Elevator man is not so standardized, unless it is in a union contract. But such union contracts are not well known to the public like policemen and firemen are. Hence, to all except those familiar with the workers' union contract, (if any), elevator man is two words.