Dookie the people have chimed in, youre wrong !
Less than 1/5 of the people decided the outcome.
Hey dookie. or whoever MM is? Your liberal claptrap is welcome here, Im happy to discus any political or social matter! But you must realise that fifty eight million people voted for George W. Bush . Unfortunatley for you , those people were AMERICANS! Who are concerned with the saftey and well being of there families . You MM , and the democratic party no longer represent what J.f.k. did , Infact if he was alive today it would be J.F.K.R.
P.S. I saw mms film what a load of crap ! And as you might suspect , If he wants his six bucks! CALL WILL FARELL!
That's funny because I have always thought he looked like him.
celie, Who stopped the others from voting ? nobody.
Did I mention the others? Just that it is a falacy to say half the country voted for bush. Only 1/5 did.
Can we agree that those who are citasens or natuaralised aliens would find it most important to vote , in this of all elections ? Indulge me this question . Who over "18' would not have voted . Describe them...............are they...Illegles.
"Illegle" voters are no more of a serious problem than the ILLITERATE voters, IMHO.
georgia brown wrote:Can we agree that those who are citasens or natuaralised aliens would find it most important to vote , in this of all elections ? Indulge me this question . Who over "18' would not have voted . Describe them...............are they...Illegles.
I thought the majority of people aged 18 to 29 failed to vote. You only had some 60% of the people voting.
Magus wrote:"Illegle" voters are no more of a serious problem than the ILLITERATE voters, IMHO.
Oh course you feel that way, when you don't want people to have to show ID then how are you to know if they are supposed to vote or not. If I recall, people such as yourself consider IDing people voter intimidation. So I guess we will never know.
As YOU recall... you seem to have a knack for "recalling" whatever deprecatory Bulloney you capriciously concoct... unfortunately, THAT appears to be the limit of your "creativity".
As a matter of fact, I not only produced my ID upon demand when I voted, but I limited my commentary to noting that this was the FIRST time I recall being asked to do so... having been a voter since 1976.
AND... that commentary was shared between myself and the other voters at my polling station... but NOT at A2K or any other website/forum.
Magus wrote:As YOU recall... you seem to have a knack for "recalling" whatever deprecatory Bulloney you capriciously concoct... unfortunately, THAT appears to be the limit of your "creativity".
As a matter of fact, I not only produced my ID upon demand when I voted, but I limited my commentary to noting that this was the FIRST time I recall being asked to do so... having been a voter since 1976.
AND... that commentary was shared between myself and the other voters at my polling station... but NOT at A2K or any other website/forum.
I referred to people on your side of the political hill. Most of them are against IDing people at the polls. Look at the ACLU and other such organizations and see what they have to say on the subject.
Not all people eligible to vote have picture ID's. Some people therefore sugest that Picture ID's should not be required to vote.
"Coming to a justified war near you"... I guess that's YOUR idea of humor.
1000+ American military dead, thousands more maimed and/or scarred for life.
Uncounted thousands of Iraqi casualties.
You mercenaries and professional killers have a very specialized sense of humor, I guess.
Considering the dearth of Iraqi WMDs and the lack of concrete ties between Hussein and al Quaeda, I guess it doesn't take much (from YOUR perspective) to "justify" a war.
Apparently, your ilk sees war as entertainment and opportunity.
I say that you're just opportunistic sociopaths... and every bit as much "Terrorists" as the "enemies" you manufacture to "justify" YOUR predations.
As an adherent of the teachings of Jesus, I reject your claims to moral or ethical imperatives behind your little scam.
When those who embrace the Cult of the Sword counterfeit themselves as "Christians"- and get away with it- we're in big trouble, indeed.
Laugh, clown, laugh.
Yip, as the man says :
40% couldnt have been bothered to vote, while just over half of those who did,voted for a muppet. Thats almost 70% of the countrys population that couldn't give two f*#ks about the state of this planet. You deserve all that you get.
Has It augured to you that they do give an f about this planet . they have just decided their way of saving it is different from yours?
Oh, and since when did waging war on a country that posed no threat to your own bode well for the world? Really - I'd like to know. That kind of action puts you in some esteemed company in the course of history- Nazi Germany being one of them.
gav wrote:Oh, and since when did waging war on a country that posed no threat to your own bode well for the world? Really - I'd like to know. That kind of action puts you in some esteemed company in the course of history- Nazi Germany being one of them.
Really? Which oppressive dictatorship did Hitler overthrow and endeaver to create a democracy in it's place?
McGentrix wrote:gav wrote:Oh, and since when did waging war on a country that posed no threat to your own bode well for the world? Really - I'd like to know. That kind of action puts you in some esteemed company in the course of history- Nazi Germany being one of them.
Really? Which oppressive dictatorship did Hitler overthrow and endeaver to create a democracy in it's place?
Really? And at what point did the Iraqis ask you to overthrow their government? And what other dictatorships do you plan to rid the world of? Again really - I'd like to know. You cant "give" democracy to one country and leave the rest to live under dictatorships - be honest the war in Iraq is a war of convenience.
So, your comparison of the US to Hitler was meant for what? You seem to have changed topics pretty quick. I must be done with you.