Hmmmm, au1929, is there ANOTHER line here? Is there a point at which the rest of the world reasonably says "You ae not massacring any more of your people",
Yes there is but think about it. There has for at least the last 30 years more corrupt governments as well as mutilations, starvation, killings and genocide on the continent of Africa than any where else in the world. Perhaps more than the world has seen before. I don't see the world rushing there with troops to stop it. Yet all you hear about how Saddam gassed his own people. Do you honestly believe the "world" gives a tinkers damn about it. Of course not.
Is saddam a danger and would we be doing the world a favor if he was done away with? No doubt. But the real reason we are so hot to trot is the danger he poses to the worlds oil supply.
Which leads me to the next question or conundrum? If it is the "worlds" oil supply that is in danger why is the US and of course our blood brothers Briton the nations concerned. Are we the entire world?
At this point I wish they would drop the other shoe and get on with it. And by the way it is no longer "if" but "when".