Agree Guatam, its the company that counts, not the venue. But on the other hand, if we are all in separate places....
So I think its important to agree a time and place!
I know we are all too polite to insist on something ourselves but if McTag has been to the Wetherspoons pub and it seems reasonable (they usually are, food not bad) I would vote for that. The olde cheshire cheese isnt far away, we could mount an expedition there later, once we have met up.
Now all that remains is to fix a time...... shouldn't take us beyond the end of this month! lol
For reasons (not ) only known by McTag and Steve, I join this vote.
Just don't wait till the end of the month, okay? LOL

Yes, that's the one, Walter, Penderel's Oak.
How the deuce did you manage to find that from my description? ???
You are an amazing chap.
But your link didn't work. Here's one
See if that's any good.
Thanks, McTag.( Ichanged my link to be correct working as well.)
McTag, Looks like a nice watering hole. Oooops, I mean, pub.

Well, I'm glad, we had chosen this date
I'm sort of glad I'm scheduled to leave London on March 24. Looks like March 23 is going to be a virtual standstill in London. c.i.
Hi everybody,
I've been working too hard to get on here much.
I don't know the specific Wetherspoons in question, but I do know the Cheshire Cheese. I buy my sandwiches from the shop on the same passageway (off Fleet Street) almost every day!
I can highly recommend it for its antiquity and can certainly book us into one of the "cubby holes" if that works.
I don't think it serves food in the evenings (and agree with Gautam's dislike of traditional pub food). We could quite easily share a couple of cabs to the Indian restaurant that Gautam knows, however.
So Cheshire Cheese gets my vote (and not just because it's only 1 min walk from my office!)
so thats 4 oaks and 1 cheese?
4 oaks and ½ cheese plus ½ curry, I think.
I thought there was wienershnitzel in there someplace.

He He - as I don't normally go to "pubs" (I have a preference for American style bars, leather, mirrors, chrome types) - I will take the easy way out instead of voting. I will go with the majority !!
Hi. Since KP is on the ground, as it were, and able to reconnoitre and recommend, I will go with his choice.
My suggestion was only a fallback position in the absence of anything more positive.
Never liked Derek Nimmo much, anyway.
I'm sure we'll have a firm choice made before April. I like the idea of Gautam's (or any) restaurant, at some stage of the evening.
Or a private alcove or snug. I'm looking forward to this!
Lets have a vote later, after all the suggestions are in. (Londoners to count double)
The ship on Wardour Street, going south from Oxford Street is a good pub. I've have spent many a happy hour in there trying to decide just how much I enjoy quaffing Fullers Fine Ales. It's not posh and fancy, but it's very cool.
oak, Ales? I like larger.

they sell lagers as well C I. inc. ozzie and american ones
The Cheese serves good German lager: Ayingerbrau
Local beers are available, Walter!
What abt good scotch ? Or Absolut and Tonic ?