Just refering here to my indispensible guide to Stockport:
Stockport and District Premier Pub food and Music Guide
June (doesnt say what year, probably 1980) Free of Charge Published every month
Debbie and John invite you to the Adswood Hotel
The Rudyard (friday night disco with Chris)
The Hollywood. Jean Therapy and the Chromozones playing
Angie and Jeff Welcome you to the Silver Jubilee (next to Netto)
Rob and Liz at the Hope Inn
Phil and staff welcome you to Stockports premier Irish theme bar
Joe and Sandra welcome you to the Conway in Cheadle Hulme
Pub of the Month. The Pack Horse Market Place Stockport. A convenient watering hole for market shoppers. Pauline has done a wonderful job over the years she always goes out of her way to add that little touch of customer care and satisfaction that makes the local clientele return [SO IT SAYS].
Puzzle page (no. 6) Amidst the Ploughman's Lunch and Scampi and chips, the bar food menu also had GSEG. What is it?
And it goes on for about 20 more pages.
Now is this an invitation for Stockport ?
Lovely to hear from you even though it is nonsense but you must have known what a xxxxxx day I have had. I just needed to read your cheering and amusing comments - they made me laugh. Although Mctag will probably disagree.
Steve and Gautam
Aaghh! Those Stockport Pubs - Steve, I bet you made some of them up. I'm not the one to say seeing as I am not a drinker but those pubs (the ones I recognised) in Stockport should probably be avoided!! So Gautam, if you are ever tempted up here (Let's hope that tasty list hasn't put you off for life) let us suss out the Right hot spots for you!
I really can't believe that it is four weekes ago, since we met here
Wishing all of you and your families and friends
a happy Easter!
Danke Walter
Yes four weeks is a long time. I've almost forgotten which is you, is it top right, or top left?
all genuine I'm afraid, and moreover i found later it was dated June 2002!
However I'm quite sure you and MrFionaMcTag will be able to direct any potential tourists to the more sophisticated parts. Did I tell you I was brought up in Hazel Grove (formerly Bullock's Smithey)?
sorry to post this, but can anyone help explain why the print appears about 1 second after I type?
I'm below the table.
So you surely have been a member of the famous HGMVC (= Hazel Grove Male Voice Choir) [remembering you singing chorales and other naughty and bawdy songs after having some barrels of bitter.].
No, I'm a computer dummy regarding this.
Steve: do you mean that there is a delay between when you type and when you see writing? My computer does that when it's busy processing something else. It's rather unnerving.
Letty, Only a suggestion, mind you, but why don't you try for another London Gathering. I'm sure there are folks who missed the first one that would love to see the Second London Gathering.

I have nothing but respect for a man who spells indispensible that way.
A big Stockport HI! to all of our friends.
(Alan to his friends)
and wee Fiona
BTW nice pictures, Walter
Your artistry never ceases to amaze me.
(catching up)
GSEG? Is that grilled sausage, egg, and gammon?
Gurt slices of Edam and Gouda?
Grouse and salmon, elegantly gratinee?
Geoff and Sandra's evening grill?
Do you know the answer?
I think we ought to be to be told.
To be or not to be
That is the question
What is the answer
Thanks, McTag, for bringing up this important question!
Your explanations fit (and taste) better than any of the google results, I got!
The answer is : Scrambled Eggs
Now explain it please because I don't understand it.
uh oh maybe GSEG = EGGS (scrambled) ?
Oh, very good. Obviously an "inn" joke
Oh hahhah how droll, I'm on fire tonight..........
Thanks for the pictures, Walter. I've also been looking at my photo album of my last visit to London. Even have a picture of the Lambeth North underground as my graphics on my new laptop I just purchased. God, I love that city.

margo, Good for you! I hope to see a whole slew of pics of your sojourn to London.

I'm a "take no prisoners; take no photographs" person!