Foxfyre wrote:Well we can always run John Kerrey again then.

Oh by all means do seeing as how well it worked out for the Democrats the last time.
Here's a tip or two or more: Select a person as your party candidate who actually stands a chance to win. Help put together a good solid platform of ideas for them and show them how to stick to it and back them wholeheartedly from start to finish. One of the big disasters the Democrats brought upon themselves in 2004 was the supposedly solid backing of Howard Dean. Democrats up and down the line kept touting his wonders and what a great man he was and how good he would be as president; but, then one day Howie went nuclear and rather than support him, the rank and file Democrats turned their collective backs on him. With little time left they scrambled. They looked and Johnny The Lawyer (Edwards) and decided not only was the lawyer thing going to be a rough hurdle for a newcomer, people did not really know him that well. Their focus shifted to Mr.Grouchy, Johnny The Life Long Politician (Kerry). Good old Uncle Flip Flop (in a show of after support fashion whores took to wearing flip-flops this year). Even though he was not a people person as far as friendliness and looks constantly constipated or suffering from hemorrhoids, they shoved him out on stage. Unfortunately many in the Democratic community could not even muster up tepid support of Kerry and so began defeat number 2 for the Democrats.
Final thought to the Democrats: If you want to have any shot at the White House in 2008, you need to get your act together