Thu 13 Apr, 2017 08:34 am
Edit: Instead of falsely down voting my post, can a down voter explain why you don't fact check your new sources and why you are so misinformed?
The liberal news tends to exaggerate and blow things out of proportion to get people riled up. I watch all the news channels just to laugh at certain news channels thinking can't believe some people actually buy this as news.
Whether people think Fox is biased or not, all the top networks have been more conservative and more trustworthy than the liberal news channels like CNN.
Ever since, and even before CNN posted that fake news story about Donald removing the Martin Luther King statute from the office when he didn't, I'm just like wow...and people still trust CNN.
What do people do when they look up their news sources? Do you purposely go to sites and pages that have what you want to see? I don't sugarcoat anything and I don't say what some people want to hear. I'm concerned, especially because of the way people vote, they are misinformed. Perhaps if they got their news from the right channel, they wouldn't get so worked up about nothing.
For example the Russian hacking, was yet another smear campaign.
Of course a lot of people do.
By reading newspapers and listen to radio/TV stations of different political opinions.