Tue 11 Apr, 2017 01:50 pm
In my original OP, I left out a lot of things, but especially neither of us have our own cars or own places. I borrow a car to get to work as I'm saving money for one myself. We hang out in public a lot...but it's getting to be tiresome we can't be intimate since we don't have any private place to go and I'm certainly not going to buy a hotel just to hook up.
He's just graduating college and I'm saving money. I'm waiting for a good deal on a car/place and am living at a place where I can't bring someone home to even cook or watch TV. We always have to hang out in public.
Although we like hanging out in public, well, we want to do more things, too...and it's just that we have absolutely no privacy.
I haven't been here for long so I barely know people and am just getting myself started here. Has anyone ever waited it out until one or the other got a car/place? Or did people give up to find someone with at least a car/place?
Both people don't have to have a car/place as long as one of us do...but neither of us have either.
Thanks in advance for serious responses only.
Sounds like you both are in a place where a serious relationship would just further complicate your lives. I'd recommend being happy with a casual (even if it is "monogamous") relationship and focusing on getting a place to live, a vehicle, and just some of the basics in place. Doing this will allow you to put more positive energy into the relationship once you guys get settled.