The silver lining? A good reason to develop a third viable party.
Immediately! Better late than never, eh?
And civil disobedience will become an everyday occurance to prevent the right of civil disobedience to be taken away...
And the deficit will grow unchecked, but since *I* am *poor*,
I won't be paying any significant amount to reduce it any time in my lifetime unless my life changes dramatically...
And if social security disappears, well, I haven't paid all that much in to the system; and I know a million things to eat for free, even if I lose all my teeth...
And I might just go out and purchase that assault weapon I hadn't ever thought I'd need... Might as well, since I can, right?
Bet you mainlanders can get a good deal on a cord of wood since the oil prices will continue to rise...
Yeah, there're silver linings, plenty of 'em, and lemonade to make as well.