Sun 27 Oct, 2002 01:30 pm
I found it intersting to see the forum on "Aging & Elder Care" on top of the "Travel" forum. I Travel about three times a year, and most are "elderly" folks like me!
I recall it from somewhere that more than 60% of people travelling long distance are over the age of 45 and 20% alone over the age of 55. I don't know where I got it from but for some reason it come back when I read this.
Quote:"Cherish the old, for they are the wise".
That's cause you 'elderly' folks have more time for travel, cicerone.
bandylu, It also takes a few coins, but it's worth every penny! c.i.
Money, too???? Well, guess you won't find me on your travels then.
Pharon, Once in awhile, we see younger folks on tours. We had a young couple from Massachusettes on our South Africa tour in April. I think they were in their early thirties. They flew in those motorized kites over Victoria Falls, and they sent us copies of their great photos. They're also planning on a trip to Machu Picchu for 2003. They asked if I wanted to join them, but I've already made my reservations for April 30. c.i.
Where now?
Hi there c.i.
So tell me where are you going this time?
I think my next trip mite be to Australia
Seeing as I am neither Aging or elderly I feel like I am out of place here
You're not aging, Pharon? Wow, you must be a multi-zillionaire, seeing as how you're sittin' on the fountain of youth...
haha internesting really really interesting thanx for the info