Why PM must act to broaden Cole probe
By Michael Gordon
February 1, 2006/the AGE
THE case for widening the terms of reference of the AWB kickbacks inquiry was always compelling. It is now overwhelming.
The inquiry was set up at the request of the United Nations after AWB was named as one of the worst examples of a company paying kickbacks to Saddam Hussein's regime under the UN's discredited oil-for-food program.
It has been asked to make findings only on whether anyone associated with AWB (and two other Australian companies identified in a UN report) broke any federal or state law.
The terms of reference should be extended to include whether any government officials or ministers knew what AWB was doing and, if they were ignorant, why they did not ask some hard questions.
It should not be forgotten that kickbacks paid by AWB, Australia's government-sanctioned monopoly wheat exporter, went to the regime that was considered so evil and such an imminent threat to our interests that the lives of Australian soldiers were risked to remove it.
The latest revelation of lobbying a key (US) Congress committee reflects a pattern of the Howard Government working hard to protect AWB's interests and maintain Australia's lucrative wheat exports to Iraq even while waging war against Saddam.
The Prime Minister insists the Government would have been negligent if it had not done so, stressing that it had no suggestion and no suspicion that bribes were being paid.
As for the allegations in 2003 from the United States that bribes had been paid by AWB to secure contracts, Mr Howard says the accusers were bitter rivals out to secure the Iraqi wheat market for themselves.
This is undoubtedly the case, but it is important to establish how far our officials and their political masters went to reassure themselves that AWB was not breaching the economic sanctions that were imposed in 1990 after Iraq's invasion of Kuwait. Mr Howard has signalled a willingness to broaden the terms if the "very competent man" running the inquiry makes such a request. Terence Cole should respond to this invitation without delay.