We're back!!!!
I wonder what happened to that last message I posted? Spinning around in cyberspace, somewhere, getting dizzy ......
... anyway, as I was saying ..
He might well have miscalculated, gf. He's gotten too cocky & too used to a complacent, blobby electorate, so thinks he now can get away with just about anything these days. And I think he makes the mistake of thinking that when something is off the front page then people have totally forgotten about the issue, so thinks he's gotten away with yet another swift one!! Take that recent comment about how loudly folk had complained about the GST, but now happily accept it. Huh? He's totally wrong about that. People on low to middle level incomes still resent it - it's made a big dint in their savings & has lowered their standard of living. But how would Howard know that? He doesn't mix with such folk any longer. So people cop one imposition, followed by another, then another ... but my theory is that peoples' anger increases with each new outrageous Howard act & eventually they turn ... eventually they act! And I suspect that the IR changes could well be the straw that breaks the camel's back. Just one totally outrageous, mean, act too many. Yep, this could well be the start of the backlash we had to have!