Actually, it wasn't ALL grim resolve on the streets of Melbourne today. There were some very nice moments & the odd funny one, too:
Like, travelling into the city centre to the rally, packed in like sardines on the No 96 tram: Yarra Trams announced on its PA system that, contrary to popular misconception, a strike day did NOT mean free public transport! Everyone laughed. Actually, the tram was so packed that it was impossible to get to the ticket machine, so most of us didn't pay, anyway.
Got a free trip home, too.
Then, there was Paul Kelly's marvellous performance in the Carlton Gardens, where we'd marched to from Federation Square. The sun had finally come out & we were all mightily relieved that the rally hadn't been a disaster. Paul sang:
Little Kings
I'm so afraid for my country
There's an ill wind blowing no good
So many lies in the name of history
They want to improve my neighbourhood
I'm so worried about my brother
He just gets sadder every day
We gotta take care of each other
Or else we're gonna have to pay
In the land of the little kings
There's a price on everything
And everywhere the little kings
Are getting away with murder
I was born in a lucky country
Every day I hear the warning bells
They're so busy building palaces
They don't see the poison in the wells
In the land of the little kings
Profit is the only thing
And everywhere the little kings
Are getting away with murder
In the land of the little kings
Justice don't mean a thing
And everywhere the little kings
Are getting away with murder