Just to hark back to those IR commercials.
Have you seen the one about 'to create the 270,000 jobs we need to each year...'
In DEWR (that's the dept charged with implementing the IR reforms - led by hypermedia-sensitive Kevin Andrews, MP) a recurring theme when policy is delivered to staff is that Australia is actually suffering from a lack of labour ie there are too many jobs and no-one skilled enough to take them. The policy line is we need more workers, not more jobs, and that's the underpinning of the mutual obligation stuff. We need the disabled, indigenous, housewives, street people, ex-cons etc, to join the workforce because our population just isn't growing fast enough, there aren't enough youth entering the work force to replace those retiring (courtesy of the baby boom).
But the ads feed on a fear based on a lie.
It is clear to me that Howard is trying desparately to undermine the power of the worker before workers realise how much power they have in the supply/demand equation. J wants market forces to determine price only when it suits the big end of town.
Yet he squeezes the life out of the education budget when that's where our salvation lies in a
flat world
Come the revolution he's first against the wall.