Ah, well, that's good to know, gf! Leunig soldiers on!
Yes, I see this as a "dark age", too, & am frankly perplexed as to why Howard is being so extreme. Clearly the degree of confrontation is discomforting to many in his own party, say nothing of the rest of us. Clearly his policies are extremely divisive to our society. Where does his conviction that he is "right" come from?

What exactly is the nature of his crusade? Is this simply a dreadful case of: I have the power, so I'll do anything I want!? I suspect that there are as many conservatives as those on the left how'd be alarmed by the policy bombardment in Canberra this week. Also by the the tactics employed to gain acceptance of the anti-terror legislation. I mean, look at the Australian articles you mentioned a few posts back. I suspect they have more to do with Howard's apparent loss of political judgement as anything else. He is doing a lot of harm to the conservative cause in this country. This week
alarmed people!