I know we're supposed to be thinking of nothing but a likely terrorist attack & forget about the IR legislation completely, but I'm not going to!
Here are some of the details of Howard's fabulous IR package:
What the changes will mean
November 3, 2005/the AGE
What are the main changes in this bill that will affect me?
The bill makes three big changes.
First, it abolishes the "no disadvantage" safety net that protects workers in individual agreements with their employer.
Under the new rules, workers can agree to give up their rights to conditions such as penalty rates, overtime rates, annual leave loadings and other allowances, public holidays, rest breaks, bonuses and so on. These can be traded away for pay rises or other benefits, or for no compensation at all.
Second, four standard conditions will be legislated to apply to all workers: a 38-hour standard working week (which can be averaged over the year), four weeks' annual leave (half of which can be cashed out), 10 days of paid personal leave and a year of unpaid parental leave. These cannot be traded away.
Third, workers will lose their protection against unfair dismissal, unless they are employed by companies with more than 100 employees. Even in large companies, there will be no protection if employers can show the dismissal was partly for "operational reasons
of an economic, technological, structural or similar nature". ... <cont>