msolga - courage - it will soon be over
I heard a grab from an interview on ABC radio this afternoon (28c today by the way - a glorious day in Adelaide) and it was Donald Horne. He was saying that he knew he was coming to the end of his life (the interview was a few months ago) and he expressed - I think annoyance, perhaps disgust - that he was coming to the end of his life with Australia in such a crappy state.
I sat there thinking he was so right. Howard and his Ilks - or is that Oiks - anyway, Howard and his lot, have dragged us so far to the right (as dlowan points out in the thread where she is discussing "moderate" with finn) that I think we've forgotten what it was like before Howard's Thacherite regime.
But you know, on that, Thatcher went down, the Tories got the boot and it looks like the UK won't let them in again for years. As much as I have no time for Maggie's youngest boy Tony at least Gordon Brown is in the wings.
When Labor finally sorts itself out and gets rid of the deadwood on the front bench and the time-servers and union appointees who have never done a real day's work in the real world in their lives (yes I'm cranky) and starts putting out policies which differentiate them from the tories then we'll see a new dawn and not a false one either.
In terms of public intellectuals we still have Hugh Stretton
(reading that bio I just know he wrote it himself!)
and I would love to hear him more often.
So, not to worry, even nightmares end. And it could be worse, we could have Bush and his lot doing us over..........oh wait a minute, they already are